python - How to get current time in datetime format in XML file of odoo? -

my code follows....

my model ...

class today_status(models.model):     _name = 'today.status'      current_time ='%y-%m-%d %h:%m:%s')     starttime = fields.many2one(comodel_name='book.meeting') 

my xml file follows...

<record model="ir.actions.act_window" id="dashboard-menu">     <field name="name">dashboard</field>     <field name="res_model">today.status</field>     <field name="view_type">form</field>     <field name="view_mode">tree,form</field>     <field name="domain">[("start_time", ">=", "current_time")]</field>     <field name="view_id" ref="dash-view"/>  </record> 

i want current time in xml or want use variable current_time specified in model in xml file. how possible?

just need set below domain , check module after upgrading module.

[('date','>=', ((context_today()).strftime('%y-%m-%d'))+' '+'00:00:00'),('date','&lt;=', ((context_today()).strftime('%y-%m-%d'))+' '+'23:59:59')] 

also add new datetime field date in model.

i hope answer may helpful :)


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