python 2.7 - Customize Allure Report using pytest-allure-adaptor -

i want customize allure test report using pytest adaptor. e.g adding environment details on overview page. changing report name on overview screen.

i tried adding environment details in suggested in documentation, not work me

def pytest_configure(config):     allure.environment(test_server='testserver', report='my test report') 

i tried adding in allure-report folder didn't work. please let me know if doing wrong here , how can resolve problem.

better late never, said in documentation pytest_configure is

called after command line options have been parsed , plugins , initial conftest files been loaded.

each plugin has own pytest_configure method, , happens here pytest_configure of called before pytest_configure of allure plugin.

an easy fix ask pytest_configure executed late possible (preferable last one) adding @pytest.hookimpl(trylast=true) header.

@pytest.hookimpl(trylast=true) def pytest_configure(config):     allure.environment(test_server='testserver', report='my test report') 


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