javascript - How to get all the dependencies using NPM for your Angular Application -

i have installed npm

also had saved given in gitshowing result after npm install

and installed gulp , when checked not been installedgulp error

**the template downloaded reads follows : ** automaticaly populate bower styles dependencies -->

<!-- build:css({.tmp/serve,src}) styles/app.css --> <!-- inject:css --> <!-- css files automaticaly insert here --> 

in body section :

<!-- build:js(src) scripts/vendor.js --> <!-- bower:js --> <!-- run `gulp wiredep` automaticaly populate bower script dependencies --> <!-- endbower --> <!-- endbuild -->  <!-- build:js({.tmp/serve,.tmp/partials,src}) scripts/app.js --> <!-- inject:js --> <!-- js files automaticaly insert here --> <!-- endinject -->  <!-- inject:partials --> <!-- angular templates automatically converted in js , inserted here --> <!-- endinject --> <!-- endbuild --> 

and tried cashing supposed relevant in localhost again failed run.

it seems forgot initialize working directory: npm init. same bower.

when install package npm can pass --save or --save-dev parameters npm track name , version of package in package.json file.this allow 1 clone repo run npm install , packages been listed on package.json file. if want use bower need install npm install bower --save-dev , install packages same way npm. e.g: bower install jquery -s. bower track dependencies of project on bower.json file. posible add preinstall , postinstall key on scripts section of package.json file npm run commands before of after installing dependencies:


{   "scripts": {     "postinstall": "bower install"   } } 

to replace scripts , links styles you'll need create task on gulp file


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