Mongodb multiple date ranges -

i have collection below

{     "email" : "",     "start" : isodate("2015-11-09t12:00:00.000-06:30") },   {     "email" : "",     "start" : isodate("2015-11-09t12:00:00.000-06:30") },  {     "email" : "",     "start" : isodate("2015-08-03t12:00:00.000-06:30") },  {     "email" : "",     "start" : isodate("2016-01-15t12:00:00.000-06:30") } 

i want fetch emails 90 days old today's date doesn't exists in last 30 in above collection below 2 documents 90 days old

{     "email" : "",     "start" : isodate("2015-11-09t12:00:00.000-06:30") }   {     "email" : "",     "start" : isodate("2015-11-09t12:00:00.000-06:30") } 

however "email" : "" exists in last 30 days (see last document above), output should

{     "email" : "",     "start" : isodate("2015-11-09t12:00:00.000-06:30") } 

here aggregation query achieve this:

the match condition (find docs start date 90 days old , not present in last 30 days).

db.testing.aggregate([     {'$group': {         '_id': '$email',         'start': {'$addtoset' : '$start'}}}, //consolidating docs     {'$match' : {         '$and': [             {'start' :{'$not': {'$gte':  new date(isodate().gettime()-30*24*60*60*1000) }}}, //removing docs date exists in last 30 days.             {'start' :{'$eq':  new date(isodate().gettime()-90*24*60*60*1000) }}         ]}} ]) 

i assuming want docs 90 days old. if it's document older 90 days replace $eq $lte.


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