python 2.7 - using variable for urllib url causing unknown url type: '%22http' error -

i trying pass url urllib with:

# file url on each line file_object = open('file.txt', 'r').xreadlines() line in file_object:     print line # check if getting correct value      var = urllib.urlopen(line).read() 

i getting error:

ioerror: [errno url error] unknown url type: '%22http' 

i think %22 means escaped quotation mark.

so url in file formatted as:


and print statement printing out:


and creation of "'s surrounding url generated "\"" + url + "\"" intention urllib being given url in format thought required. seems escape code somehow being kept , urllib not treating value "".

if putting urls in file quotation marks included, normal not work, quotation marks required literal strings in source code. including quotation marks in file if write in source code "\"\"". removing quotation marks file should solve problem.


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