How to add widget in django web blog -

i learning django framework using djangogirls tutorial, reading tutorial making blog want add popular blog post show widget in blog unable it, how can , add widget in myblog . please details.

thanks lot rana

this rather generic approach.i hope helps.

a widget django’s representation of html input element. widget handles rendering of html, , extraction of data get/post dictionary corresponds widget.

you can specify widget :

from django import forms  class commentform(forms.form):     name = forms.charfield()     url = forms.urlfield()     comment = forms.charfield(widget=forms.textarea) 

many widgets have optional arguments; can set when defining widget on field. in following example, years attribute set selectdatewidget:

from django import forms  birth_year_choices = ('1980', '1981', '1982') favorite_colors_choices = (     ('blue', 'blue'),     ('green', 'green'),     ('black', 'black'), )  class simpleform(forms.form):     birth_year = forms.datefield(widget=forms.selectdatewidget(years=birth_year_choices))     favorite_colors = forms.multiplechoicefield(required=false,         widget=forms.checkboxselectmultiple, choices=favorite_colors_choices) 


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