CORS support for IBM Connections API -

we writing stand alone javascript application has create wiki pages in ibm connections community via connections api. however, browser blocks requests connections api because cross origin resource sharing (cors) not configured on connections api.

is possible configure connections api allow requests our internal applications eg * we're running connections v5.0.

yes it's possible. have configure in ihs! config snippet might useful you:

rewritecond %{http:origin} (.+\.<yourdomain>\.com) [nc] rewriterule .* - [e=acceptorigin:%1] header set access-control-allow-origin %{acceptorigin}e env=acceptorigin header set access-control-allow-credentials true env=acceptorigin header set access-control-allow-methods "post, get, head" env=acceptorigin  header set access-control-max-age 3600 env=acceptorigin  header set access-control-allow-headers content-type env=acceptorigin 


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