bash - Access denied for user when using LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE : Ubuntu to RDS- MYSQL -

when executing load data local infile statement following problems. running statement on ubuntu server using bash. other queries database work fine. load data infile statement fails every time.

i have tried following suggested in other forums. hasn't worked.

grant privileges on `%`.* username@'%' identified 'secure' grant option; 

this statement executed in bash:

$(mysql -h "$host" --user="$user" --password="$pw" --local-infile=1 -d"$dbname" --skip-column-names -e "load data local infile '/html/results/f9_result.jtl' table `result.jtl` fields terminated ',' lines terminated ' ' ignore 1 lines;") 

error message

access denied user 'username'@'%' (using password: yes) 

it looks you're granting all privileges databases 1 character in name .... %.* that.

try grant file on *.* to whomever.

also notice you're changing user's password oxymoronic value secure.


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