neo4j - SpringDataNeo4j-4 derived finders with custom queries -

i using springdataneo4j–4.1.0-build-snapshot. access database using “extends graphrepository" structure , neo4jtemplate. among other things using simple derived finder queries like:

event findbyid (long id)  

this works fine , returns results expected. have cases want find entry property retrieve relationships:

@query("match (n:event{dbid:{0}})-[r:species|figure]->(m) return n,r,m") event findbyid (long id) 

i know right not supported. there possible workaround behaviour without having construct object on own , implemented in future versions of sdn since ogm 2.0.0-m01 offers possibility perform queries this?

you can use neo4jtemplate.query , retrieve "n" result.

n event that's been hydrated properties , relationships species , 'figure`.

or, can instead create @queryresult repository method annotated custom query returns, , you'll still hydrated event.

this functionality available in sdn 4.1 snapshot (

your query above @query("match (n:event{dbid:{0}})-[r:species|figure]->(m) return return n,r,m") event findbyid (long id) not supported because there 3 entities returned query, single 1 expected returned.


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