javascript - Ionic modal- keep navbar/menu visible -

i want put page modal-slide up,that keeps menu bar static (as in, when modal opens, menu/top bar not slide up).

the modal slide's up- nav-bar/menu bar should white. space created (with class="has-header") white.

enter image description here

by clicking on magnify glass, modal activated on site- click here. unsuccessfully tried making plunker (here).

here code:

to open modal (in .html)

<i class="ion-ios-search-strong" ng-click="refineevent()"></i> 

part of js

$ionicmodal.fromtemplateurl('app/components/stores/stores.html', {     scope: $scope,     animation: 'slide-in-up' }).then(function(modal){$scope.modal = modal;});  $scope.refineevent = function(){$;};  $scope.closemodal = function(){$scope.modal.hide();};   $scope.$on('modal.shown', function(){console.log('modal shown!');});      } 

and modal.html file:

<ion-modal-view> <ion-view name="stores"><ion-pane ng-controller="storesctrl">              <ion-content class="has-header">   ...         </ion-content>  </ion-view> </ion-modal-view> 

for modals have create header. so...

<ion-modal-view> <ion-header-bar>     <button class="button button-clear icon ion-drag"></button>     <h1 class="title">logo</h1>     <button class="button button-clear icon ion-hanger"></button> </ion-header-bar>     <ion-content>     </ion-content> </ion-modal-view> 


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