excel - how to change output location for each loop and run multiple loops -

i have code here loops through list of files; opening them, extracting data , moving main workbook. looking data abel in columns c , d put varo in f , g etc. problem see placement code inside loop each write on previous line instead of being in different column together!

sub source_data()  dim r dim findvalues() string dim wrbk workbook dim workbook dim sht worksheet dim dim tmp dim counter dim c range dim firstaddress dim rng range  redim findvalues(1 3) findvalues(1) = "abel" findvalues(2) = "varo" findvalues(3) = "tiger"  counter = 0  r = range("a1").end(xldown).row set rng = range(cells(1, 1), cells(r, 1)) set = thisworkbook  each tmp in rng     workbooks.open tmp     set wrbk = activeworkbook     set sht = activesheet         = 1 3             sht.range(cells(1, 1), range("a1").specialcells(xlcelltypelastcell))             set c = .find(findvalues(i), lookin:=xlvalues)                 if not c nothing                     firstaddress = c.offset(0, 2).value                                             this.activate                         tmp.offset(0, 2).value = tmp.value                         tmp.offset(0, 3).value = firstaddress                         set c = .findnext(c)                         counter = counter + 1                     loop while not c nothing , c.value = firstaddress                 end if             end         wrbk.activate         next     wrbk.close next tmp end sub 

**edit:**i know can done adding multiplier of "i" offset value makes things bigger need if wish search 50 keywords

here answer, hope you, , always, if need improvement, tell me.

sub source_data() dim r dim findvalues() string dim wrbk workbook dim workbook dim sht worksheet dim dim tmp dim counter dim c range dim firstaddress dim rng range dim colnum 'the columns number var  redim findvalues(1 3) findvalues(1) = "abel" findvalues(2) = "varo" findvalues(3) = "tiger"  counter = 0  r = range("a1").end(xldown).row set rng = range(cells(1, 1), cells(r, 1)) set = thisworkbook  each tmp in rng     workbooks.open tmp     set wrbk = activeworkbook     set sht = activesheet         = 1 3             sht.range(cells(1, 1), range("a1").specialcells(xlcelltypelastcell))             set c = .find(findvalues(i), lookin:=xlvalues)                 if not c nothing                     firstaddress = c.offset(0, 2).value                                             this.activate                         select case 'test var (the value)                             case "abel" 'in case value (that string) equal to...                                 colnum = 1 'set var, number of column want                             case "varo" 'in case value...                                 colnum = 2 'set column...                             case "tiger"                                 colnum = 3                             case else 'in case var not match anyvalue take column number                                 colnum = 20 'the garbage!                         end select                          tmp.offset(0, colnum).value = tmp.value 'put value in selected columns                         tmp.offset(0, colnum + 1).value = firstaddress 'and put value next column of                                                                        'selected column                         set c = .findnext(c)                         counter = counter + 1                     loop while not c nothing , c.value = firstaddress                 end if             end         wrbk.activate         next     wrbk.close next tmp end sub 

note: need set colnum var values need, put there numbers of columns need store value of i , next line put address of i var


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