ios - fix issue of UI of Framework with 2 storyboard -

i have created framework having 2 storyboard applied condition

its working fine if project in import have not using launch xib , size class devices,but if project based on size class , launch xib based, not working properly, means view inside framework cut bit in case of iphone 6 , above.

how fix it, need set size class framework well? have complex structure used different storyboard. fixing auto layout on framework storyboard not fixed issue.

uistoryboard * mainstoryboard = nil ;           cgrect screenbounds = [[uiscreen mainscreen] bounds];            if (screenbounds.size.height >= 568) {           mainstoryboard = [ uistoryboard storyboardwithname : @ "iphone5" bundle : nil ] ;            } else {               mainstoryboard = [ uistoryboard storyboardwithname : @ "iphone4s" bundle : nil ] ;            } 

to resolve issue, set "launch screen interface file base name" "launchscreen" in info.plist.

hope you..thanks.


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