html - How to allow the path elements in an svg element to overflow the container -

i writing animation logo (here link codepen), can see code there well, post here well.

so targeted every path element , changed it's properties , works fine, except fact since use "transform" move elements because leave container , hidden.

this css svg element

svg {   width:400px;   height:400px;   margin-top:100px;   margin-left:calc(50% - 200px);   transform-style:preserve-3d;   overflow:visible; } 

i tried adding viewbox inline property svg tag didn't work either, can do? want every path visible no matter is, possible?

thank in advance.

the overflow: visible rule added css definition svg should have worked.

the reason didn't because svg had <clippath> had effect of hiding overflow. when rid of also, things behave wanted.

demo codepen

to rid of clip, deleted <clippath></clippath> element, , clip-path="url(#clippath20)" reference <g>. both of these near start of document.


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