node.js - installing grunt using npm manager having connection issues -

hey im trying install grunt using npm manager , seem having connection issues timing out searched online. can hit url fine ask me if want save or run grunt.json , if cut , paste url see contents of json in gigantic array

gel8953@valgel8953l mingw64 ~/dev/millsdashboard/millsdashboard (master) $ npm install grunt grunt-cli -g npm http npm http npm http npm http npm http npm err! error: connect etimedout npm err!     @ errnoexception (net.js:901:11) npm err!     @ object.afterconnect [as oncomplete] (net.js:892:19) npm err! if need help, may report log at: npm err!     <> npm err! or email to: npm err!     <>  npm err! system windows_nt 6.1.7601 npm err! command "c:\\program files (x86)\\nodejs\\node.exe" "c:\\program       files (x86)\\nodejs\\node_modules\\npm\\bin\\npm-cli.js" "install" "grunt"     "grunt-cli" "-g" npm err! cwd c:\users\gel8953\dev\millsdashboard\millsdashboard npm err! node -v v0.10.13 npm err! npm -v 1.3.2 npm err! syscall connect npm err! code etimedout npm err! errno etimedout npm 

when executing command "npm grunt" project root directory following

   gel8953@valgel8953l mingw64 ~/dev/millsdashboard/millsdashboard (master)    $ npm grunt    npm err! error: invalid name: "millsdashbaord"   npm err!     @ ensurevalidname (c:\program files        (x86)\nodejs\node_modules\npm\node_modu                                                les\read-package-json\node_modules\normalize-package-   data\lib\fixer.js:281:15)   npm err!     @ object.module.exports.fixnamefield (c:\program files    (x86)\nodejs\node_mo                                                dules\npm\node_modules\read-package-json\node_modules\normalize-package-   data\lib\fixer.js                                             :196:5)   npm err!     @ c:\program files    (x86)\nodejs\node_modules\npm\node_modules\read-package-                                                json\node_modules\normalize-package-data\lib\normalize.js:29:38   npm err!     @ array.foreach (native)   npm err!     @ normalize (c:\program files    (x86)\nodejs\node_modules\npm\node_modules\re                                                ad-package-json\node_modules\normalize-package-     data\lib\normalize.js:28:15)   npm err!     @ final (c:\program files    (x86)\nodejs\node_modules\npm\node_modules\read-p                                                ackage-json\read-json.js:310:33)   npm err!     @ (c:\program files    (x86)\nodejs\node_modules\npm\node_modules\read-pa                                                ckage-json\read-json.js:124:33)   npm err!     @ c:\program files    (x86)\nodejs\node_modules\npm\node_modules\read-package-                                                json\read-json.js:284:48   npm err!     @ fs.js:207:20   npm err!     @ object.oncomplete (fs.js:107:15)   npm err! if need help, may report log at:   npm err!     <>   npm err! or email to:   npm err!     <>    npm err! system windows_nt 6.1.7601   npm err! command "c:\\program files (x86)\\nodejs\\node.exe" "c:\\program    files (x86)\\no                                                dejs\\node_modules\\npm\\bin\\npm-cli.js" "i" "grunt"   npm err! cwd c:\users\gel8953\dev\millsdashboard\millsdashboard   npm err! node -v v0.10.13   npm err! npm -v 1.3.2 

you need set registry:

npm set registry 

uninstall , clean cache:

npm uninstall -g grunt-cli  npm cache clean  npm -g grunt-cli 

downcase millsdashboard contains bin , controllers.

npm grunt 

are behind firewall? proxy?


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