Error on Uploading Program to ESP8266 via Foca v2.2 (USB to TTL Adapter) -


to test capability of uploading program esp8266, use empty program blank setup function , blank loop function. result showed me there espcomm_sync error , espcomm_open error. idea solve problem?


foca v2.2 esp8266

pin connection

  foca v2.2 <-> esp8266         txd <-> rxd         rxd <-> txd         dtr <-> rst  arduino uno <-> esp8266         gnd <-> gnd        3.3v <-> vcc 

pin diagrams

foca v2.2
enter image description here

enter image description here

on linux ubuntu 15.04

enter image description here

on windows 10

enter image description here


bring iot arduino, [getting started] -


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