ios - To fetch data from one page to another -

i know question has been answered before, have difficulty among those. there textfield on 1 page , want retrieve it's content label located on next page clicking on button.

i have tried this. tfname id of textfield in page 1.

 -(ibaction)onclick:(id)sender {  nsstring *string1 =tfname.text; } 

and in page2

- (void)viewdidload {     [super viewdidload]; label1.text=string1; } 

here simple example code:

class a.h :

uitextfield *tfname; 

class a.m :

tfname.text = @"hello world";     -(ibaction)onclick:(id)sender {     classb *b = [[classb alloc]initwithnibname@"classb"];      b.string1 =tfname.text;     [self.navigationcontroller pushviewcontroller:b animated:yes]; } 

class b.h :

@property(..)nsstring *string1; 

class b.m :

label1.text = _string1. 

note: need import classb in classa, i.e., #import "classb.h"

hope helps.


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