
Showing posts from April, 2014

objective c - iOS Wikitude ambigous rendering -

i'm using wikitude sdk. , loading architect world url. sdk load , renders fine image 1 . when clicked on link within architect world browser opens [which required behaviour]. after opens , rotate device , navigate application sdk renders incorrectly image 2 vk logo overlaps. i've tried managing application life cycle. stopped sdk in viewdiddisappear , started in viewwillappear method doesn't work. have tried use latest version of wikitude sdk (5.1.1). version 5.0 had issue related opengl , fixed in later update.

ios - Apple Watch coreLocation error *** Assertion failure in -[CLLocationManager requestLocation] -

i tried user current location on apple watch corelocation. whenever run -[cllocationmanager requestlocation] , app quits , give following error. 2016-02-07 16:38:39.392 placescope apple watch extension[6255:1471552] *** assertion failure in -[cllocationmanager requestlocation], /buildroot/library/caches/ 2016-02-07 16:38:39.395 placescope apple watch extension[6255:1471552] *** terminating app due uncaught exception 'nsinternalinconsistencyexception', reason: 'delegate must respond locationmanager:didupdatelocations:' *** first throw call stack: ( 0 corefoundation 0x00bb9fc4 __exceptionpreprocess + 180 1 libobjc.a.dylib 0x00671df4 objc_exception_throw + 50 2 corefoundation 0x00bb9e5a +[nsexception raise:format:arguments:] + 138 3 foundation

c++ - Getting an error of the form "operator<< must take exactly one argument" when overloading operator<< -

i have following code bigint class , i'm trying overload operator<< : class bigint { private: int numdigits; char vals[]; public: friend std::ostream& operator <<( std::ostream& os , const bigint &param ); }; std::ostream& bigint::operator <<( std::ostream& os , const bigint & param ) { os <<" number of bits " <<param.numdigits << " , it`s valeuris" <<param.vals<<"\ n "; return os; }; i keep getting error: xxxxx must take 1 argument. i have searched lot on error. know should make operator<< friend function in class or declare out of class, , took care return of operator << . strange either way i'm getting error. can me? i think issue here you're (probably unintentionally) mixing , matching 2 different approaches. when write friend std::ostream& operator <<( std::ostream& os , const b

c# - JsonMediaTypeFormatter formatting with k__backingfield -

i'm having issue jsonmediatypeformatter far can tell started happening recently. at point, object have (a plain old poco) started serializing complete backing fields. using auto properties (again poco) whatever reason output jsonmediatypeformatter k__backingfield<propname>:"value" in last weeks have upgraded visual studio 2015 (though doubt root cause of problem, has been working few weeks prior). i have cleared forms of nuget caches, deleted bin/obj directories.... uninstalled , reinstalled visual studio 2015 professional... repaired visual studio 2015 professional.... code hasn't changed in time. we using version 5.2.0 of . thank help. just quick update.... not happening on else's machine. not experiencing errors (that noticing). i'm going add visual studio 2015 related tags well ok quick update. have sent linqpad script assemblies required run script co-worker. assemblies sending exact ones have pulled n

Can you use objects instead of arrays with ng-option and AngularJS -

i using ng-options populate items in select menu. ng-options="i.option in week.items" with array populate items. week.items = [ { 'option': '8 week single transformation | 2 payments of $198.50', 'price' : 198.5 }, .... { 'option': '8 week partner transformation | $597', 'price' : 597 }]; is possible use object instead of array, or ng-options set work arrays? yes can so. docs well. here example object $scope.letters = { 'a': 1, 'b': 2 }; and html ng-options="letter (letter, value) in letters"

python - Numpy Structured Arrays by Name AND Index -

i can never seem numpy arrays work nicely me. :( my dataset simple: 150 rows of 4 floats followed 1 string. tried following: data = np.genfromtxt("iris.data2", delimiter=",", names=["sl", "sw", "pl", "pw", "class"], dtype=[float, float, float, float, '|s16']) print(data.shape) ---> (150, 0) print(data["pl"]) print(data[:, 0:3]) <---error so changed 5 floats doing simple file replace. because couldn't non-homogenous array work nicely both column name , index accessing. have made homogenous, still gives me shape of (150, 0) , error. data = np.genfromtxt("", delimiter=",", names=["sl", "sw", "pl", "pw", "class"]) print(data.shape) ---> (150, 0) print(data["pl"]) print(data[:, 0:3]) <--- error when remove names entirely, works index-column acces, not names anymore. data = np.genfrom

emacs - git merge lock on Mac -

i'm doing merging lab in git immersion tutorial. when enter $ git merge master it takes me too # please enter commit message explain why merge necessary, # if merges updated upstream topic branch. # # lines starting '#' ignored, , empty message aborts # commit. i cannot figure out how complete merge. i've tried c - x , , various commands :wq seem work vi text editor, believe have emacs editor. command know me out of editor , shell (i'm using bash) c - z , undoes merge. how can save/complete merge? resolved: based on suggestions below, switched editor 'nano', able complete merge. help! sounds you're using editor you're unfamiliar with. consider changing git config --global core.editor nano or git config --global core.editor vim documentation here:

matlab - How to generate a customized checker board matrix as fast as possible? -

i need function creates checker board matrix m rows , n columns of p*q rectangles. modified third solution here that: function [i] = mycheckerboard(m, n, p, q) nr = m*p; nc = n*q; = floor(mod((0:(nc-1))/q, 2)); j = floor(mod((0:(nr-1))/p, 2))'; r = repmat(i, [nr 1]); c = repmat(j, [1 nc]); = xor(r, c); it works no problem: i=mycheckerboard(2, 3, 4, 3) = 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 but it's not fast enough since there lots of calls of function in single run. there faster way result? how can remove floating point divisions and/or calls of floor function? i suggest first creating binary matrix checkerboard's fields, using built-in kron blow necessary size: m = 2; n = 3; p = 4; q = 3; [im,in] = meshgrid(1:m,1:n); = zeros(m,n); a(mod(im.'+in.',2)==1) = 1; board = kron(a,ones(p,q))

rest - How can a HTTP client request the server for latest data/to refresh cache? -

we're designing rest service server-side caching. we'd provide option client ask latest data if cached data has not expired. i'm looking http 1.1 spec see if there exists standard way this, , cache revalidation , reload controls appears fit need. questions : should use cache revalidation , reload controls ? if not, acceptable include if-modified-since header epoch time, causing server consider resource have changed? spec doesn't preclude this, i'm wondering if i'm abusing :) intent of header? what'd way identify resource refresh? in our case, url path alone not enough, , i'm not sure if query or matrix parameters considered part of unique url. using etag ? if client wants fresh representation of resource, may specify max-age=0 that. intent receive response no older 0 seconds. all other mechanisms mentioned (if-modified-since, etag, if-match, etc.) working caches make sure resource in state. work only, if know have valid state o

How to get all bookmarks in PDF file using PDFBox in Java -

i newbie in apache pdfbox. want extract bookmarks in pdf file using pdfbox library in java. idea how extract them? from printbookmarks example in source code download pddocument document = pddocument.load(new file("...")); pddocumentoutline outline = document.getdocumentcatalog().getdocumentoutline(); printbookmark(outline, ""); document.close(); (...) public void printbookmark(pdoutlinenode bookmark, string indentation) throws ioexception { pdoutlineitem current = bookmark.getfirstchild(); while (current != null) { system.out.println(indentation + current.gettitle()); printbookmark(current, indentation + " "); current = current.getnextsibling(); } }

c++ - "Access violation reading error" -

exception thrown @ 0x003d65b6 in new_predator.exe: 0xc0000005: access violation reading location 0x00000000. i keep getting error , cannot figure out why. here section of code points throwing error: void simulation::run() { (int = 0; < 20; i++) { (int j = 0; j < 20; j++) { if (world[i][j]->name() == 'a') world[i][j]->move(); } } } it points "if (world[i][j]->name() == 'a') line throwing error. my simulation constructor defined follows: this private variable in simulation class. critter abstract base class. critter ***world; simulation::simulation() { world = new critter**[20]; (int = 0; < 20; i++) { world[i] = new critter*[20]; } (int = 0; < 20; i++) (int j = 0; j < 20; j++) world[i][j] = null; } i have display function in sim class defined follows, similiar run function works fine: void simulation::display() { (int = 0; < 20; i++) { std::cout &

javascript - Why does my select ng-model not reflect my selected ng-option? -

i'm trying code provide value in select ng-options : <select ng-model="selectedmovieid" ng-if="movies.length>0" ng-options=" movie.title movie in movies track"></select> <div> {{selectedmovieid||'no movie selected'}} </div> but never see value selectedmovieid . i've tried adding dot ng model (something foo.selectedmovieid ) keep getting errors. having read 3-4 questions on feel has simple i'm missing. here's full code: var app = angular.module("movieapp", []); app.controller("moviectrl", ["$scope", "$http", function($scope, $http) { $scope.apikey = '' var baseurl = '' $scope.movies = [] $scope.searchmovie = function() { var url = baseurl + 'search/movie?api_key=' + $scope.apikey + '&query=' + $scope.querystring; $http.get(url) .then(function(

reflection - Can I set the type of a field within a class at runtime to a newly created type in c#? -

i'm using reflection.emit , typebuilder create new type @ runtime. setup like: public class myclass { public object myfield = createinstanceofnewtype(); public myclass() {} } the issue myclass.myfield declared type object , implicit cast operators exist new type not called when castable types assigned myclass.myfield . there way set type of field newly created type behaves how in typical case? this depends on exact use case, possible solution make class generic, use reflection create static generic method creates instance of class. allows use variable dynamic type when declaring property: public class myclass<t> { public t myfield = createinstanceofnewtype<t≥(); public myclass() {} } public static myclass<t> createclass<t>() { return new myclass<t>: } dynamic instanceofmyclass = typeof(someclass).getmethod("createclass").makegeneric(dynamictype).invoke() another alternative using dynamic keyword.

c++ - namespace and vector not found with MinGW -

i getting error: 'vector' not name type established source code . crated project netbeans ide , mingw installed via installation manager mingw-get version 0.6.2-beta-20131004-1. compiler command line is: gcc -c -g -isrc -mmd -mp -mf "build/debug/mingw-windows/src/basics.o.d" -o build/debug/mingw-windows/src/basics.o src/basics.cpp the offending code is: using namespace std; vector<string> listmaps() { .... } i added #include <vector> which fails, guess need install additional modules mingw-get. how can identify missing installation?

javascript - How to target each child element when their parent is clicked in JQuery -

i try achieve effect on 1 "li" element every time click on '.parent'. keeps working on li elements @ once. want when trigger click event on .parent first li should highlighted, second time trigger click on ,parent second li highlighted , on html: <div class="parent"> <ul> <li>1</li> <li>2</li> <li>3</li> </ul> </div> jquery: $('.parent').on('click', function(){ $('li').addclass('true'); }); edit different question: $('.parent').on('click', function(evt) { $('li:not(.true)').first().addclass('true'); }); .true { background-color: red; } <script src=""></script> <div class="parent"> <ul> <li>1</li> <li>2</li> <

php - Can't make Item name appear when going to different page -

i making store school project , having hard time making text of item name , price saved in variable shown on checkout page. my code item description looks this: <div id="section"> <img src="" alt="html tutorial" style="width:152px;height:172px;border:0;" align="right"> <?php $item->name='asus m32cd desktop'; $item->price='549.99'; $i++; ?> <h4>asus m32cd desktop</h4> <h6> $549.99 </h6> <br> <input type="checkbox" name="item<?php echo $i; ?>" value="<?php echo $item->name.'#'.$item->price; ?>"> &nbsp;buy when select , press purchase, takes me checkout page doesn't have items listed. checkout page looks this: <!doctype html> <!-- harddrive1.html --> <!-- jan 22, 2016 --> <html>

Maintenance plan and job in SQL Server 2008 R2 -

attached image copy of sql server 2008 r2 database table. in table daily updated huge amount of data syslog, security log, application, system log our database growing rapidly. is there maintenance plan or job can purge data automatically older 180 days. delete tablex dateadd(month, -6, getdate()) > timestampfield this purge fields older 6 months.

arrays - Reverse each word in a string using C -

ok, code works, messes end of every line. instance, if have stdin text file these 3 lines: this test see how code messes output reads: siht si tsetrof uoy ot eeswoh siht edoc sessem pu let me know if catch thanks void reverse(char *beg, char *end) { while (beg<end) { char temp = *beg; *beg++ = *end; *end-- = temp; } } void reversewords(char *str) { char *beg = null; char *temp = str; while (*temp) { if ((beg == null) && (*temp != ' ')) { beg = temp; } if (beg && ((*(temp + 1) == ' ') || (*(temp + 1) == '\0'))) { reverse(beg, temp); beg = null; } temp++; } } new lines in code not taken consideration. in code below i've changed occurrences of *something == ' ' call newly added method iswhitespace , returns true if character being checked either space, tab, newline, or carriage return character: void reverse(char *beg, char *end) {

How is ordering guaranteed during failures in Kafka Async Producer? -

if using kafka async producer, assume there x number of messages in buffer. when processed on client, , if broker or specific partition down sometime, kafka client retry , if message failed, mark specific message failed , move on next message (this lead out of order messages) ? or, fail remaining messages in batch in order preserve order? i next maintain ordering, ideally want kafka fail batch place failed, can retry failure point, how achieve that? like says in kafka documentation retries setting value greater 0 cause client resend record send fails potentially transient error. note retry no different if client resent record upon receiving error. allowing retries potentially change ordering of records because if 2 records sent single partition, , first fails , retried second succeeds, second record may appear first. so, answering title question, no kafka doesn't have order guarantees under async sends. i updating answers base on peter davis

Textures not showing up in three.js ObjectLoader -

having issue using json model w/ textures exported for familiar, i'm using file -> export -> threejs (json) export , including files in threejs project using objectloader example in the docs : var loader = new three.objectloader(); loader.load("zebra.json",function ( obj ) { scene.add( obj ); }); the mesh geometry loading fine, no texture. console throwing error(s): 'undefined texture null', yet texture files referenced in json file. using threejs r74. how can load texture in three.js? .json file references multiple textures. i've reviewed #28723121 solution thread unclear , i'd keep in-step w/ r74. any advice appreciated. got example code working different model/texture combo not exported not 'the' answer looking solution now. doesn't appear threejs issue.

php - Site throwing error on live server with language class while works on Xampp: Codeigniter -

i have language script running absolutely fine in xampp... translates other languages.. i happened upload live server , can't seem fix error never in xampp. unable load requested language file: language/italian/homepage_italian_lang.php it keeps throwing error. have checked language files in place. happening languages. i have delete cookies , come homepage because of session.. works fine on xampp though,, just wild guess, check if xampp , online php both same version. different versions can cause unexpected problems hard figure out.

javascript - Expand / Collapse div by clicking another -

i'm looking create div expands , collapses when separate, non-parent div element clicked. below example of expanding/collapsing effect , have been messing around with. unsure how best modify code below could, say, click on div located in sidebar, , cause div located below header say, expand/collapse, pushing content below downwards. the contents of expanding/collapsing div in question might search bar instance, can shown/hidden user clicking on sidebar button. $(".header").click(function () { $header = $(this); //getting next element $content = $; //open content needed - toggle slide- if visible, slide up, if not slidedown. $content.slidetoggle(500, function () { //execute after slidetoggle done //change text of header based on visibility of content div $header.text(function () { //change text based on condition return $":visible") ? "collap

git - Push count increasing when Pull in SourceTree -

i new git , sourcetree. facing problem whenever pull operation in sourcetree tool. if receiving 3 changesets pulling latest, same count increasing in push icon. image more info: i not understand why should push same changes have pulled... please help. when pull, git more fetch latest commits. also, if necessary, merges last local commit latest remote commit. merge creates new commit on local machine, why more "ahead" after pull. totally normal; go ahead , push.

math - How to convert number to words in java -

we have crude mechanism convert numbers words (e.g. using few static arrays) , based on size of number translating english text. running issues numbers huge. 10183 = ten thousand 1 hundred eighty 3 90 = ninety 5888 = 5 thousand 8 hundred eighty 8 is there easy use function in of math libraries can use purpose? here code, don't think there method in se. it converts number string , parses string , associates weight for example 1000 1 treated thousand position , 1 gets mapped "one" , thousand because of position code website: english import java.text.decimalformat; public class englishnumbertowords { private static final string[] tensnames = { "", " ten", " twenty", " thirty", " forty", " fifty", " sixty", " seventy", " eighty", " ninety" }; private static final string[] numnames = { "

javascript - JS Slide toogle sidebars out and expand content div -

i want slide out both sidebars , expand width of middle content div @ same time , on again click want toogle original. what tried far $('.headbar').click(function () { $(".leftside").animate({width: 'toggle'}); $( ".rightside" ).animate({ width: "toggle" }, 300, function() { $(".content").animate({width: '1200px'}); }); }); my problems headbar flashing when animation start (but guess css bug) content not toggle original my concept understanding i approach using css class transition effect toggled jquery instead of using jquery animate function. working demo: $(document).ready(function() { $('body').on('click', '.headbar', function(){ $('body').toggleclass('expanded'); }); }); .headbar { width: 100%; background: #303030; background-repeat: repeat; background-size: 38px 133px; height:

php - How to fetch value of key in array if key is of different content type -

i developing plugin wordpress import products woocommerce spreadsheet using ajax . my spreadsheet have values of utf-8 content type lyftrörelse | egenhöjd | plattformslängd so when upload file using ajax , send php file data being sent correctly. when fetching values array in php file like $valuefirst=$productarray["lyftrörelse"]; var_dump($valuefirst); is returning null, if change value of spreadsheet ["lyftrorelse"] now when print $valuefirst=$productarray["lyftrorelse"]; var_dump($valuefirst); it printing value, earlier when doing without ajax there no such problem, content being read suggestions ? try setting content-type in ajax request, contenttype: "charset=utf-8",

java - Comparison method violates its general contract -

i'm trying sort list. used collections.sort(list) , , got illegalargumentexception exception. know works on jdk6 , jdk7 using timsort. rules got below. think got right, doesn't work. is there can give me situation code doesn't work? lot rules: > 1.sgn(compare(x, y)) == -sgn(compare(y, x)) > > 2.((compare(x, y)>0) && (compare(y, z)>0)) implies compare(x, z)>0 > >, y)==0 implies sgn(compare(x, z))==sgn(compare(y, z)) z //stringutil.isblank(str) return if str==null||str.trim().length()==0 @override public int compareto(novelchapter o) { if(o == null){ return 1; } else if(o.equals(this) || == o){ return 0; } if(!stringutil.isblank(o.getsourceurl())&& !stringutil.isblank(this.getsourceurl())){ if(o.getsourceurl().length() != this.getsourceurl().length()){ return o.getsourceurl().compareto(this.getsourceurl()); } else{ return o

apache pig - Pig: Max Value per Bag of Tuples -

so have data following: grunt> describe aliveevents_patient_id; aliveevents_patient_id: {group: int,aliveevents: {(events::patientid: int,events::eventid: chararray,events::etimestamp: datetime,events::value: float,mortality::patientid: int,mortality::mtimestamp: datetime,mortality::label: int)}} how able biggest value per group of etimestamp? essentially i'd following: patient_id, etimestamp 1, 10 1, 20 2, 30 outputs patient_id, etimestamp 1, 20 2, 30 according question : let aliveevents_patient_id contain 2 field {patient_id,etimestamp} then script : a = group aliveevents_patient_id patient_id; dump a; (1,{(1,10),(1,20)}) (2,{(2,30)}) b = foreach generate group,max(aliveevents_patient_id.etimestamp); dump b; (1,20) (2,30)

C# reading variables into static string from text file -

i have seen several posts giving examples of how read text files, , examples on how make string 'public' (static or const), haven't been able combine 2 inside 'function' in way making sense me. i have text file called 'myconfig.txt'. in that, have 2 lines. mypathone=c:\testone mypathtwo=c:\testtwo i want able read file when start form, making both mypathone , mypathtwo accessible anywhere inside form, using : readconfig("myconfig.txt"); the way trying now, not working, : public voice readconfig(string txtfile) { using (streamreader sr = new streamresder(txtfile)) { string line; while ((line = sr.readline()) !=null) { var dict = file.readalllines(txtfile) .select(l => l.split(new[] { '=' })) .todictionary( s => s[0].trim(), s => s[1].trim()); } public const string mypath1 = dic["mypathone"];

java - google_app_id missing and Google services failed to inittialize -

i've imported project desktop built , runnig. when try in computer,it giving me below errors. google app id mean? might cause such type of errors. in advance. logcat: 02-08 13:14:46.328 23043-23043/ e/gmpm: googleservice failed initialize, status: 10, missing expected resource: 'r.string.google_app_id' initializing google services. possible causes missing google-services.json or gradle plugin. 02-08 13:14:46.328 23043-23043/ e/gmpm: scheduler not set. not logging error/warn. 02-08 13:14:46.358 23043-23073/ e/gmpm: uploading not possible. app measurement disabled 02-08 13:14:46.500 23043-23043/e/f: no account id may forgot add apply plugin: '' to bottom of build.gradle. and can more info @

android - Can I Use The INCLUDE LAYOUT To ScrollView In My Activity? -

good day, i'm having problem xml layout. create xml file share_app_scroll(scrollview layout) , included in shareapp.xml . the problem is, toolbar/action bar don't appear. can see, scrollview layout created. possible include scrollview layout ? . here's code. <relativelayout xmlns:android="" xmlns:tools="" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent" android:fitssystemwindows="true" tools:context=".activities.shareappactivity"> <!--include actionbar/toolbar--> < xmlns:android="" android:theme="@style/themeoverlay.appcompat.dark.actionbar" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:id="@+id/toolbar" android

javascript - Search Not Working In Dynamic Bootstrap Multiselect -

i'm using creating bootstrap multiselect controls in webpage. the below fiddle link static data want achieve using dynamic data: //please refer fiddle the search option works fine in case values of select box static, if dynamically created, multiselect gets created. search filter not working in case. code similar fiddle below, difference being search filter part doesn't work in actual code, works in fiddle. fiddle link dynamic data. //please refer fiddle this code. html code <select id="lstfieldlist" ></select> jquery code [updated]: function uncheckfields(field_id) { $('#' + field_id).multiselect('deselectall', true); } //json_obj value fiddle. createmultiselectbox(json_obj); //this function creates multiselect function createmultiselectbox(json_obj) { var element_string = &

mysql - How to insert the number of id in the neighbor column? -

i have table structure: +----+-------------------+ | id | identical_with_id | +----+-------------------+ id auto-increment , need insert in column identical_with_id identical value id 's value. how can that? i want this: +----+-------------------+ | id | identical_with_id | +----+-------------------+ | 1 | 1 | | 2 | 2 | | 3 | 3 | +----+-------------------+ note, in reality table containing other values identical_with_id column, this: +----+-------------------+ | id | identical_with_id | +----+-------------------+ | 1 | 1 | -- question | 2 | 1 | -- answer of above question | 3 | 1 | -- answer of above question | 4 | 4 | -- question | 5 | 4 | -- answer of above question | 6 | 6 | -- question | 7 | 7 | -- question | 8 | 7 | -- answer of above question | 9

powershell - Unable to determine the source control server on TFS build server -

how use tf history command line on tfs 2013 build server? when try call command line tf history c:\builds\1\myproj\mybuild\src\dev on tfs build server get: there no working folder mapping "c:\builds\1\myproj\mybuild\src\dev` when try powershell get-tfsitemhistory c:\builds\1\myproj\mybuild\src\dev on tfs 2013 build server, get: unable determine source control server. when open visual studio on build server , in team explorer try configure workspace mapping folder , get: "the working folder c:\builds\1\myproj\mybuild\src\dev in use workspace 10_1_mhatfsbld01;mhabldsvc on computer mhatfsbld01." *mha name of team project collection regarding "no working folder error", need set server: $tfs = get-tfsserver "http://server:8080/tfs/collection" get-tfsitemhistory '$/yourteamproject/myproj/src/dev' -server $tfs obviously, need adjust specific tfs source structure. regarding issue build not recognizing t

javascript - openui5/sapui5: Change parts of a page controlled by router -

i implement master-detail-like ui5 application without using splitapp-control in sap.m. instead want have page fixed content on left , <navcontainer> on right. based on url (router) change content of <navcontainer> only - not entire page. so far initial page renders correctly. if cange url #trans whole page changes previewtransaction.view.xml , not <navcontainer> part. whats wrong? index.html: <!doctype html> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv='x-ua-compatible' content='ie=edge' /> <meta http-equiv='content-type' content='text/html;charset=utf-8' /> <title>hello ui5!</title> <script id='sap-ui-bootstrap' type='text/javascript' src='' data-sap-ui-libs="sap.m" data-sap-ui-theme="sap_bluecrystal" data-sap-ui-bindingsyntax="comple

.htaccess - Yii2 + htaccess + wamp gives 404 Not Found -

please help, i've read lot of posts issue, nothing helps. i have yii2 installation under: c:/sites/mysite the index.php file in: c:/sites/mysite/web i have htaccess file under c:/sites/mysite looks this: # turn on rewrite engine rewriteengine on rewritebase / rewriterule ^index.html?$ home.php [nc,r,l] directoryindex home.php # on should skip rules rewriterule ^(favicon.ico) - [l] # if directory or file exists, use directly rewritecond %{request_filename} !-f rewritecond %{request_filename} !-d # not allow calls servers testing ou server fi proxy # #rewritecond %{http_referer} .*/azenv\.php [nc,or] #rewriterule .* - [f] #rewritecond %{http:x-forwarded-proto} !https #rewriterule ^.*$ https://%{server_name}%{request_uri} # otherwise forward index.php rewriterule . index.php i have my-vhosts file has code: servername armanager serveralias armanager documentro

css - css3 : how to put height 100% on a static/relative (no absolute positionned) div? -

i have container , 2 divs inside: 1 header (whose height should free if add lines) , userlist. want userlist have height of container : idea how ? (no js solution, better if no position: asbolute used) #container { width: 300px; height:400px; background-color: #ff0000; } #header{ background-color: #fff500; } #userlist { background-color: #00ff00; width:290px; height: 100%; overflow-y:auto; } <div id="container"> <div id="header">line1<br>line2<br>line3</div> <div id="userlist"> line<br>line<br>line<br>line<br>line<br>line<br>line<br>line<br>line<br>line<br>line<br>line<br>line<br>line<br>line<br>line<br>line<br>line<br> line<br>line<br>line<br>line<br>line<br>line<br>line<br>line<br>line<br>line<br>li

R Shiny tabsetPanel displaying strange tab name? -

i working shinydashboard , using tabsetpanel , strange name/number appears on each tabpanel in upper-left corner (like: tab-4750-1 , number changes). know how can remove it? hint: problem appears in menuitem : tabelle & plots code: library(shiny) library(shinydashboard) library(ggplot2) library(scales) library(reshape2) library(plyr) library(dplyr) library(dt) ui <- dashboardpage( dashboardheader(), dashboardsidebar( sidebarmenu( menuitem("dashboard", tabname = "dashboard", icon = icon("dashboard")), menuitem("tabelle & plots", icon = icon("area-chart"), tabname = "tabelle") ) ), dashboardbody( tabitems( tabitem(tabname = "dashboard" ), tabitem(tabname = "tabelle", tabsetpanel(id="tabs",width = null, height = "800px", selected = 1, tabpanel(value=1,title="tabelle fi

android - How to broadcast the rtmp live video using wowza media server? -

i have used javacv library stream live video mobile wowza media server , it's working fine. , tried record live video in media server broadcasting video multiple devices can hear audio recorded video file. please let me know have done wrong , let me know steps re-stream video multiple device. i'm new media server platform. thanks.

java - Returning vowels -

i beginner in java, , doing practice on practiceit. but got stumbled on question. write method named isvowel returns whether string vowel (a single-letter string containing a, e, i, o, or u, case-insensitively). public static boolean isvowel(string word){       for(int i=0;i<word.length();i++){    char vowels=word.charat(i);         if(vowels== 'a'|| vowels =='e' || vowels=='i'|| vowels == 'o' ||  vowels == 'u'|| vowels== 'a'|| vowels =='e' || vowels=='i'|| vowels == 'o' ||  vowels == 'u' ){            return true;         }             }     return false; } this code works when test "hello". no longer works. understand because condition char loops 1 one , not word whole.but cant figure out.will appreciate if give me hints instead of answer. your question quite confusing. string might have vowel, proper english "word" single letter "i". this

Rails-api and rendering html pages -

i using rails-api gem api project.... i have 2 or 3 webpages how do html make ajax call , consume jsons where can keep html pages , render it.. rails::api subset of normal rails application, created applications don't require functionality complete rails application provides. bit more lightweight, , consequently bit faster normal rails application. main example usage in api applications only, don't need entire rails middleware stack nor template generation. you can start adding middleware , subframeworks rails-api - turning lean , mean racecar minivan. a better solution may create separate rails app serves html pages , has full rails package.

javascript - Jquery Select Dynamic ID -

i'm trying toggle visibility of this. you'll notice there's primary key number @ end of id: <div id="campaign-details-container-12"> and how i've tried select it: $(document).on("click",".show-details",function () { $(this).blur(); var id = $(this).data("id"); var selector = "#campaign-details-container-"+id; alert(selector); $(selector).toggle(); return false; }); how can work? put data-id="12" tag in div instead , use class, how select that? just select using attribute starts syntax: $("[id^=campaign-details-container]"); no need go unnecessary things classes , id variables... see

php - How to set date range in Bid Landscapes - Adwords API -

i playing bid landscapes , , official documentation describes: bid landscapes way research information estimated performance ad groups , criteria. i testing api in adgroup level, , following piece of code has been written: public function test_bid_simulator() { $user = new adwordsuser(); $user->setclientcustomerid('*******'); $dataservice = $user->getservice('dataservice', 'v201509'); $selector = new selector(); $selector->fields = array('adgroupid', 'startdate', 'enddate', 'bid', 'localclicks', 'localcost', 'localimpressions'); // create predicates. $selector->predicates[] = new predicate('campaignid', 'in', array('****', '****', '****', '****')); // $selector->daterange = new daterange(); // $selector->daterange->min = date('ymd', strtotime('2016/01/28')); /