postgresql - Cannot connect to Postgres running in Docker from PGAdmin running on Windows Host -

i have read questions on this, like one, not help.

host: windows 10, running virtualbox , pgadmin.

i have setup docker correctly , run few containers without issue. tried setup postgres. tried two:



and both have same issue. when try connect pgadmin, says server not listen.

when run docker inspect postgres see

"networksettings": { "bridge": "", "sandboxid": "6ad76f4d61017c44f814c5ec7ab9081a650d925a46c2b69902c4f0e5209076ce", "hairpinmode": false, "linklocalipv6address": "", "linklocalipv6prefixlen": 0, "ports": { "5432/tcp": null }, "sandboxkey": "/var/run/docker/netns/6ad76f4d6101", "secondaryipaddresses": null, "secondaryipv6addresses": null, "endpointid": "3f14630554c972ac875cbb384725c6970d1d4d5acfba7cbc05e416b5b22f0056", "gateway": "", "globalipv6address": "", "globalipv6prefixlen": 0, "ipaddress": "",

i have tried ip address host in pgadmin.

i have tried setting container -p 5432:5432 , connecting

i have tried setting port forwarding in virtualbox container.

i tried machine host, shown in kitematic:

i noticed in kitematc in ip & ports section on home tab access url not set.

under docker port shows '5432/tcp'

so clicked ip address next , set , shows:

i put ip , port pgadmin , can connect container.

fyi ip same ip returned by:

docker-machine ip default 


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