javascript - jQuery Accordion in AngularJS -

i'd use jquery accordion in angular application. because i'm new angularjs tried define accordion in traditional way , use angular expressions example inside h3 (header) of accordion. didn't work , found lot of posts saying use directive , on. examples seem way complicated...

in app.js there controller , variable:

    var app = angular.module('appupdate', []);      app.controller("maincontroller", ['$scope', 'http', '$q', function($scope, $http, $q) {       $scope.applications = null;       ...       $scope.init = function() {         $scope.initaccordion();         $scope.getapplications();       }        $scope.initaccordion = function() {         $("#acc").accordion();       }        $scope.getapplications = function() {         //...       }     } 

this tried inside cshtml:

    <body ng-controller="maincontroller">       <div id="acc">         <h3>{{applications.length}} applications found.</h3>         <div>content</div>       </div>     <body> 


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