Run a powershell script on a remote system with elevated permissions to enable remoting -

i trying use following code copy powershell script remote windows 7 machine; run elevated privileges on machine enable remoting on system.

it copying script file remote system not executing command in remote powershell session because of empty $command variable (the second line in script below not working).

copy-item -path c:\users\user1\myscript.ps1 -destination \\some-computer\c$\myscript.ps1  $command = powershell.exe -noprofile -command "& {start-process powershell.exe -argumentlist '-noprofile -executionpolicy bypass -file ""c:\myscript.ps1""' -verb runas > c:\ps-result1.txt}"  $cmd = "cmd.exe /c "+$command  invoke-wmimethod -class win32_process -name create -argumentlist $cmd -computername "some-computer"  start-sleep -s 8  get-content \\some-computer\c$\ps-result1.txt 

is possible accomplish this? thanks,

using wmi call cmd call powershell call start-process call powershell again? seems little complicated.

try simpler:

$command = "powershell.exe ""c:\myscript.ps1"" > ""c:\ps-result1.txt""" invoke-wmimethod -class win32_process -name create -argumentlist $command -computername "some-computer" 


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