qt - QML C++ Signals-Slot not overloaded -

i have spent whole day on code , couldn't figure out problem.

this error:

* iso c++ forbids declaration of 'cppreturnanswer' no type [-fpermissive]  * 'int handletextfield::cppreturnanswer(qvariant)' cannot overloaded  * 'void handletextfield::cppreturnanswer(qvariant)' 

and code:

//handletextfield.h class handletextfield : public qobject {     q_object public: signals:     void cppreturnanswer(qvariant data); // error here public slots:     std::string text;     qstring color = qstring::fromstdstring(text);     emit cppreturnanswer(qvariant(color)); // error here }; 

which used respectively in program

// in .. handletextfield.cpp ... void handletextfield::handlesubmittextfield(const qstring &in) {   qdebug() << "c++: handletextfield::handlesubmittextfield:" << in;      text="green";     qstring color = qstring::fromstdstring(text);     emit cppreturnanswer(qvariant(color)); }  // in main.cpp ... qobject *toplevel = engine.rootobjects().at(0); qquickwindow *window = qobject_cast<qquickwindow *>(toplevel); // connect - qml c++ ---- works nice qobject::connect(window, signal(submittextfield(qstring)),                      &handletextfield, slot(handlesubmittextfield(qstring))); // connect - c++ qml  ---- not working qobject::connect(&handletextfield,                  signal(cppreturnanswer(qvariant)),                  window,                  slot(qmlupdatedata(qvariant)));  // in main.qml ... function qmlupdatedata(text){     // hack(msg designer:: imperative code not supported in qt quick)     page.color=text // gotdata c++ backend } 

any suggestions , comments highly appreciated.


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