angularjs - Login Authentication with Devise (rails) & Angular -

i have mobile application can create issues, , view list of issues others have created around location.

the mobile app is talking rails server , creating issues, , have followed guide covering authentication rails & devise.

in controllers/app.js file, have local variable stored isloggedin set false default. when application loaded, check see whether variable true , if so, send user app.issues. otherwise, user sent app.auth.login.

$scope.$storage = $localstorage.$default({   isloggedin: false });  $scope.$watch('$storage.isloggedin', function() {     if ($scope.$storage.isloggedin){       console.log('is logged in');       $state.go('app.issues');     }     else {       console.log('isnt logged in');       $state.go('app.auth.login');     }   }); 

here root app.js file in js folder.

angular.module('orangecone', ['ionic', 'orangecone.controllers', '', 'ngcordova', 'ngstorage', 'ngresource'])  .run(function($ionicplatform) {   $ionicplatform.ready(function() {     // hide accessory bar default (remove show accessory bar above keyboard     // form inputs)     if (window.cordova && window.cordova.plugins && window.cordova.plugins.keyboard) {       cordova.plugins.keyboard.hidekeyboardaccessorybar(true);       cordova.plugins.keyboard.disablescroll(true);      }     if (window.statusbar) {       // org.apache.cordova.statusbar required       statusbar.styledefault();     }   }); })  .value('constants', {   serverurl: 'http://localhost:3000/' })  .config(function($stateprovider, $urlrouterprovider, $httpprovider) {    $httpprovider.defaults.withcredentials = true;    $stateprovider    // setup abstract state tabs directive     .state('app', {     url: '/app',     abstract: true,     templateurl: 'templates/tabs.html'   })    .state('app.issues', {     url: '/issues',     views: {       'app-issues': {         templateurl: 'templates/issues.html',         controller: 'issuesctrl'       }     }   })    .state('app.issue', {     url: '/issues/:issueid',     views: {       'app-issues': {         templateurl: 'templates/issue.html',         controller: 'issuectrl'       }     }   })    .state('app.auth', {     url: '/auth',     abstract: true,     templateurl: 'templates/auth/tabs.html'   })    .state('app.auth.login', {     url: '/login',     views: {       'login': {         templateurl: 'templates/auth/login.html',         controller: 'authctrl'       }     }   })    .state('app.auth.register', {     url: '/register',     views: {       'register': {         templateurl: 'templates/auth/register.html',         controller: 'authctrl'       }     }   })     // if none of above states matched, use fallback   $urlrouterprovider.otherwise('/app/auth/login');  }); 

i have waning feeling overlooking rather trivial. application console.logs logged in though rails server wiped , there no users in system @ all. application should redirecting user app/auth/login never does. whenever type url browser redirects me app/issues page.

any thoughts or opinions appreciated.


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