php - I can't switch the database on Symfony 2.7 -

i creating symfony 2.7 project , change parameters.yml document.

my problem worked in local host xampp and, now, need link online database. sure, first changed name on parameters.yml indicated in photo.

parameters:     database_driver: pdo_mysql     database_host: 127.0.0.     database_port: null     database_name: qvd913     database_user: root     database_password: null     locale: en     secret: secret_value_for_symfony_demo_application_ruben 

the old name correolectronico , new name qvd913. symfony not use new value qvd913, take old configuration. when try following:

php app/console doctrine:database:create                                                         

i receive following error:

could not create database correoelectronico connection named default.

an exception occurred while executing 'create database correoelectronico':

sqlstate[hy000]: general error: 1007 can't create database 'correoelectronico'; database exists

  1. try clear cache files
  2. you need add parameters in parameters.yml.dist if deploying app somewhere.


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