html5 - Want to create a div with just one corner raised a little bit up with css / html -

this question has answer here:

i want create div right corner raised little bit up. have tried using borders in vein. please take @ picture , suggestions appreciated :)

enter image description here

i have used css3 skew didn't work me wanted

maybe want this?

i used 3 divs. parent div, , 2 divs inside parent div:


<div class="container">     <div class="top"></div>     <div class="main"></div> </div> 


body {     margin:50px;     min-width:400px;     background:white; } .container{     width: 300px; } .top{     with: 100%;     height: 0;     border-bottom: 50px solid red;     border-left: 300px solid transparent; } .main {     background-color: red;     width: 100%;     height: 200px; } 



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