excel - Vba. 300mb+ optimizing macro -

(there more code after/before code below, part want optimize loops)

sheets("leanreport").activate  dim lrow long  on error resume next  lrow = application.worksheetfunction.match("05 2016", range("ab:ab"), 0)  on error goto 0  if lrow > 0     'code  end if  = 2 lastrowleanreport     r1 = cstr(cells(i, 5))     rg1 = cstr(cells(i, 24))      matrizrg1(i - 2) = rg1     matrizr1(i - 2) = r1 next  sheets("carrier").activate  = 2 lastrowcarrier     rg2 = cstr(cells(i, 1))     matrizrg2(i - 2) = rg2 next  j = 2 lastrowcarrier     p = lrow lastrowleanreport         if matrizrg2(j) = matrizrg1(p)             matrizrg3(j) = cells(j, 1)             matrizc1(j) = matrizr1(p)         end if     next p     if matrizrg3(j) = ""         x = 0 lrow             if matrizrg2(j) = matrizrg1(x)                 matrizrg3(j) = cells(j, 1)                 matrizc1(j) = matrizr1(p)             end if         next x     end if next j 

is there way optimize macro? lastrowleanreport has more 700000 rows how can change loops else?

it gives me time error 6 & 7 out of memory.

in stead of loading data matrices , operate on matrices, operate directly on cells. don't consume memory large matrices.

to achieve this, first changed code can find equivalent expressions. example, assign matrix element , later use element. usage equivalent expression got data sheet , placed matrix element.

once done, can replace matrix references in last loop cell references. here see funny: source worksheet has apparently 2 header rows skip. later in loop skip them again, skip first 2 matrix elements! don't think mean:

for j = 0 lastrowcarrier - 2     p = lrow lastrowleanreport         if matrizrg2(j + 2) = matrizrg1(p)             matrizrg3(j + 2) = cells(j + 2, 1)             matrizc1(j + 2) = matrizr1(p)         end if     next p     if matrizrg3(j + 2) = ""         x = 0 lrow             if matrizrg2(j + 2) = matrizrg1(x)                 matrizrg3(j + 2) = cells(j + 2, 1)                 matrizc1(j + 2) = matrizr1(p)             end if         next x     end if next j 

in above, think expression j + 2 should j (except in cells expression). continue on premises. note p in matrizr1(p) ill-defined points beyond matrix (i leave error fix).

next introduced variables worksheets, easier address them. changed loops start 0 row count - 2. gives following equivalent subroutine:

dim sheetcarrier worksheet dim sheetreport worksheet dim lrow long  set sheetreport = sheets("leanreport") sheetreport.activate lrow = application.worksheetfunction.match("05 2016", range("ab:ab"), 0)  = 0 lastrowleanreport - 2     matrizrg1(i) = cstr(sheetreport.cells(i + 2, 24))     matrizr1(i) = cstr(sheetreport.cells(i + 2, 5)) next  set sheetcarrier = sheets("carrier")  = 0 lastrowcarrier - 2     matrizrg2(i) = cstr(sheetcarrier.cells(i + 2, 1)) next  = 0 lastrowcarrier - 2     p = lrow lastrowleanreport         if matrizrg2(i) = matrizrg1(p)             matrizrg3(i) = sheetcarrier.cells(i + 2, 1)             matrizc1(i) = matrizr1(p)         end if     next p     if matrizrg3(i) = ""         x = 0 lrow             if matrizrg2(i) = matrizrg1(x)                 matrizrg3(i) = sheetcarrier.cells(i + 2, 1)                 matrizc1(i) = matrizr1(p)             end if         next x     end if next 

in next step, have replace matrix references in last loop cell references earlier loops. these equivalences are:

matrizrg1(i) = cstr(sheetreport.cells(i + 2, 24)) matrizr1(i) = cstr(sheetreport.cells(i + 2, 5)) matrizrg2(i) = cstr(sheetcarrier.cells(i + 2, 1)) 

(i don't know output in matrizrg3 , matrizc1 going, leave in code - nice exercise you.)

the equivalent subroutine without matrices becomes:

dim sheetcarrier worksheet dim sheetreport worksheet dim lrow long  set sheetcarrier = sheets("carrier") set sheetreport = sheets("leanreport") sheetreport.activate lrow = application.worksheetfunction.match("05 2016", range("ab:ab"), 0)  = 0 lastrowcarrier - 2     p = lrow lastrowleanreport         if cstr(sheetcarrier.cells(i + 2, 1)) = cstr(sheetreport.cells(p + 2, 5))             matrizrg3(i) = sheetcarrier.cells(i + 2, 1)             matrizc1(i) = cstr(sheetreport.cells(p + 2, 5))         end if     next p     if matrizrg3(i) = ""         x = 0 lrow             if cstr(sheetcarrier.cells(i + 2, 1)) = cstr(sheetreport.cells(x + 2, 24))                 matrizrg3(i) = sheetcarrier.cells(i + 2, 1)                 matrizc1(i) = cstr(sheetreport.cells(p + 2, 5))   ' note: 'p' undefined!!             end if         next x     end if next 

if works (and check it; errors made), can go on see if can optimize bit more.


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