javascript - how to get account details when integrating plaid api -

i trying integrate plaid api ach payments , following "" tutorial in ruby. in have written js code , shows me pop select bank accounts. using in sandbox mode in using test credentials verify account , verifies account. server side scripting have installed plaid gem , configured using following code my_app/config/initializers/plaid.rb

plaid.config |p|   p.customer_id = 'test_id'   p.secret = 'test_secret'   p.environment_location = '' end 

where have replaced customer_id , secret key own. using user controller in under create method trying create user this:

user = plaid.add_user('auth', 'plaid_test', 'plaid_good', 'usaa', '1234') 

now confused how work. trying create server side handler using ruby dont understand lacking (as new ruby). want after validating credentials there should option select account in given demo

i need badly stuck in last 3 days. appreciated. thanks

plaid link returns 'public_token' - you'll need use /exchange_token api endpoint exchange public token api access token.

the plaid-ruby library has detailed example of exchange token flow!


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