C++ Bubble Array Assignment - Adding markers to show change -

i given assignment work through in university , 1 part of assignment add stars(*) elements moved in array using bubble sort. i've tried few different things try work nothing ends working. here what's asked of me:

"5. create array of bools (one each element in array), if pair of elements changed round in cycle, bools change true, , elements displayed surrounded stars (*) show change has occurred. reset array of bools false, ready next cycle. remember need test value of boolean in order decide whether output asterisks or not"

here code:

int main() {     double numbers[nmax] = {31.2, 29.7, 53.5, 69.0, 23.7, 71.8, 49.3, 52.9, 51.3, 57.1};     bool change[nmax] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };      // note top counter, i, counts down     int counter = 0;     (int i=nmax-1; i>0; i--)     {         //and counter, j, goes far current value          // means doesn't go on elements have 'bubbled up' end of array         (int j=0; j<i; j++)         {             double temp;             // compare 2 values - increment counter here             counter++;              if (numbers[j]>numbers[j+1])             {                 temp = numbers[j];                 numbers[j]= numbers[j+1];                 numbers[j+1]= temp;                 cout << "array: " << endl;                 change[j] = true;                 change[j + 1] = true;                  (int = 0; < 10; i++)                 {                     cout << numbers[i] << ", ";                 }             }         }     }      // display sorted array:     cout << endl;     cout<<"array contents sorted, implementation 1 "<<endl;     (int i=0; i<nmax; i++)     {         cout<<numbers[i]<<endl;     }     //display values of counter after whole sort     return 0; } 

i'm new stackoverflow, apologies if question irritatingly formatted.

i don't understand why array of bools required if still remember j , j+1 exchanged when output numbers. write simply:

for (int n = 0; n < nmax; ++n) {     if (n == j + 1 || n == j)          cout << '*' << numbers[n] << "*, ";     else         cout << numbers[n] << ", "; } 

however if there such requirement follow , try achieve same effect checking contents of bool array of yours. remember reset false required.


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