browser - Scheme relative URL -

there lot of questions on regarding scheme relative url, don't understand happen in these scenarios:

1) on https clicking on href="//" ( doesn't have ssl (it's http), browser try open (because wants match current scheme) , if there won't https scheme open

2) vice-versa going http https, when target // https. browser open https if destination target not have http?

the browser try open url using same scheme it's on; if it's on https, request url https , vice versa http. if target server not support scheme, fail. in case of server supports https, means enforces https; if make http query server often redirects https version of same page. that's entirely server though.

if server supports http, means doesn't have https @ all. in case https request fail , browser display error message along lines of "couldn't establish secure connection/couldn't connect server".


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