javascript - Extjs 4 : use cloneConfig() to clone a chart -

i have grid chart :

enter image description here

when click on chart,a new panel corresponding details of chart created below. howeever, length limited 500px tooltip.

enter image description here

my goal create panel show detail of graph covering entire length of grid

i used cloneconfig() create panel.i tried set length 900px not working.

initialiseall :

var gtimelinepaneldetail = ext.getcmp('globaltimelinepaneldetail');

if(gtimelinepaneldetail == undefined) {     me.detailpanel = new ext.tip.tip({         id : 'globaltimelinepaneldetail' ,         width : gridwidth,                           }); } 

listeners :

listeners: {                                 click: function(hdle) {                     me.showfulldetail(hdle, me);                 }, 

and function :

showfulldetail : function(hdle, me){          var gtimelinepaneldetail = ext.getcmp('globaltimelinepaneldetail');          if(gtimelinepaneldetail !=  undefined)         {                var insidechartdetail = me.objchart.cloneconfig();              // set dimensions             insidechartdetail.setheight(30);             insidechartdetail.setwidth(gridwidth);              gtimelinepaneldetail.removeall();             gtimelinepaneldetail.add(insidechartdetail);              gtimelinepaneldetail.showat([xgrid,yme + me.getheight()]);         }            }, 

my question how change length of panel cover entire length of grid knowing size of tooltip limited 500px

the default maxwidth of tooltip 500 px. try changing tooltip's maxwidth config greater value. example try in code:

me.detailpanel = new ext.tip.tip({         id : 'globaltimelinepaneldetail' ,         width : gridwidth,         maxwidth : gridwidth                           }); 


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