Android Camera two preview from single camera -

i want build application android camera 2 preview single camera enter image description here

i tried build app,i using surfaceview in android studio have problem, enter image description here

i want example code, can me please? thank much.

i tried app.

package;    import;  import;  import;  import;  import java.text.simpledateformat;  import;    import;  import android.content.context;  import;  import;  import;  import;  import;  import android.os.bundle;  import android.util.log;  import android.view.surfaceholder;  import android.view.surfaceview;  import android.view.view;  import android.view.windowmanager;  import android.view.view.onclicklistener;  import android.widget.button;  import android.widget.linearlayout;  import android.widget.textview;  import android.widget.toast;      public class androidsurfaceviewexample extends activity implements surfaceholder.callback  {      textview testview;        camera camera;      surfaceview surfaceview;      surfaceholder surfaceholder;        picturecallback rawcallback;      shuttercallback shuttercallback;      picturecallback jpegcallback;          /** called when activity first created. */      @override      public void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) {          super.oncreate(savedinstancestate);            setcontentview(r.layout.activity_main);            surfaceview = (surfaceview) findviewbyid(;          surfaceholder = surfaceview.getholder();            // install surfaceholder.callback notified when          // underlying surface created , destroyed.          surfaceholder.addcallback(this);            // deprecated setting, required on android versions prior 3.0          surfaceholder.settype(surfaceholder.surface_type_push_buffers);            jpegcallback = new picturecallback() {              public void onpicturetaken(byte[] data, camera camera) {                  fileoutputstream outstream = null;                  try {                      outstream = new fileoutputstream(string.format("/sdcard/%d.jpg", system.currenttimemillis()));                      outstream.write(data);                      outstream.close();                      log.d("log", "onpicturetaken - wrote bytes: " + data.length);                  } catch (filenotfoundexception e) {                      e.printstacktrace();                  } catch (ioexception e) {                      e.printstacktrace();                  } {                  }                  toast.maketext(getapplicationcontext(), "picture saved", 2000).show();                  refreshcamera();              }          };      }            //surfacrview      public void captureimage(view v) throws ioexception {          //take picture          camera.takepicture(null, null, jpegcallback);      }        public void refreshcamera() {          if (surfaceholder.getsurface() == null) {              // preview surface not exist              return;          }            // stop preview before making changes          try {              camera.stoppreview();          } catch (exception e) {              // ignore: tried stop non-existent preview          }            // set preview size , make resize, rotate or          // reformatting changes here          // start preview new settings          try {              camera.setpreviewdisplay(surfaceholder);              camera.startpreview();          } catch (exception e) {            }      }        public void surfacechanged(surfaceholder holder, int format, int w, int h) {          // size known, set camera parameters , begin          // preview.          refreshcamera();      }        public void surfacecreated(surfaceholder holder) {          try {              // open camera              camera =;          } catch (runtimeexception e) {              // check exceptions              system.err.println(e);              return;          }          camera.parameters param;          param = camera.getparameters();            // modify parameter          param.setpreviewsize(352, 288);          camera.setparameters(param);          try {              // surface has been created, tell camera draw              // preview.              camera.setpreviewdisplay(surfaceholder);              camera.startpreview();          } catch (exception e) {              // check exceptions              system.err.println(e);              return;          }      }        public void surfacedestroyed(surfaceholder holder) {          // stop preview , release camera          camera.stoppreview();          camera.release();          camera = null;      }    }


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>  <linearlayout xmlns:android=""      xmlns:tools=""      android:layout_width="match_parent"      android:layout_height="match_parent"      android:orientation="horizontal"      tools:context="">        <surfaceview          android:id="@+id/surfaceview"          android:layout_width="0dp"          android:layout_height="match_parent"          android:layout_weight="1" />        <surfaceview          android:id="@+id/surfaceview"          android:layout_width="0dp"          android:layout_height="match_parent"          android:layout_weight="1" />    </linearlayout>

update edit code :9/02/16

  1. edit
    • add public void onpreviewframe()

    public class androidsurfaceviewexample extends activity implements surfaceholder.callback {      textview testview;        camera camera;      surfaceholder camera01;      surfaceholder camera02;        surfaceview surfaceviewleft;      surfaceholder surfaceholderleft;        surfaceview surfaceviewright;      surfaceholder surfaceholderright;        picturecallback rawcallback;      shuttercallback shuttercallback;      picturecallback jpegcallback;      /**       * attention: auto-generated implement app indexing api.       * see more information.       */      private googleapiclient client;          /**       * called when activity first created.       */      @override      public void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) {          super.oncreate(savedinstancestate);            setcontentview(r.layout.activity_main);            surfaceviewleft = (surfaceview) findviewbyid(;          surfaceholderleft = surfaceviewleft.getholder();            surfaceviewright = (surfaceview) findviewbyid(;          surfaceholderright = surfaceviewright.getholder();            // install surfaceholder.callback notified when          // underlying surface created , destroyed.          surfaceholderleft.addcallback(this);          surfaceholderright.addcallback(this);            // deprecated setting, required on android versions prior 3.0          surfaceholderleft.settype(surfaceholder.surface_type_push_buffers);          surfaceholderright.settype(surfaceholder.surface_type_push_buffers);            /*          jpegcallback = new picturecallback() {              public void onpicturetaken(byte[] data, camera camera) {                  fileoutputstream outstream = null;                  try {                      outstream = new fileoutputstream(string.format("/sdcard/%d.jpg", system.currenttimemillis()));                      outstream.write(data);                      outstream.close();                      log.d("log", "onpicturetaken - wrote bytes: " + data.length);                  } catch (filenotfoundexception e) {                      e.printstacktrace();                  } catch (ioexception e) {                      e.printstacktrace();                  } {                  }                  toast.maketext(getapplicationcontext(), "picture saved", 2000).show();                  refreshcamera();              }              };          */          // attention: auto-generated implement app indexing api.          // see more information.          client = new googleapiclient.builder(this).addapi(appindex.api).build();      }          //surfacrview          public void refreshcamera() {          if (surfaceholderleft.getsurface() == null) {              // preview surface not exist              return;          }            // stop preview before making changes          try {              camera.stoppreview();          } catch (exception e) {              // ignore: tried stop non-existent preview          }            // set preview size , make resize, rotate or          // reformatting changes here          // start preview new settings          try {              camera.setpreviewdisplay(surfaceholderleft);              camera.startpreview();              } catch (exception e) {            }      }            public void onpreviewframe() {            if (surfaceholderright.getsurface() == null) {              // preview surface not exist              return;          }              // stop preview before making changes          try {              camera.stoppreview();          } catch (exception e) {              // ignore: tried stop non-existent preview          }            // set preview size , make resize, rotate or          // reformatting changes here          // start preview new settings          try {              surfaceholderleft.lockcanvas();              camera.setpreviewdisplay(surfaceholderright);              camera.setpreviewcallback((camera.previewcallback) surfaceholderleft);              camera.startpreview();              } catch (exception e) {            }          }          public void surfacechanged(surfaceholder holder, int format, int w, int h) {          // size known, set camera parameters , begin          // preview.          refreshcamera();          onpreviewframe();                }        public void surfacecreated(surfaceholder holder) {          try {              // open camera              camera =;          } catch (runtimeexception e) {              // check exceptions              system.err.println(e);              return;          }          camera.parameters param;          param = camera.getparameters();            // modify parameter          param.setpreviewsize(352, 288);          camera.setparameters(param);          try {              // surface has been created, tell camera draw              // preview.              camera.setpreviewdisplay(surfaceholderleft);              camera.startpreview();          } catch (exception e) {              // check exceptions              system.err.println(e);              return;          }      }        public void surfacedestroyed(surfaceholder holder) {          // stop preview , release camera          camera.stoppreview();          camera.release();          camera = null;      }        @override      public void onstart() {          super.onstart();            // attention: auto-generated implement app indexing api.          // see more information.          client.connect();          action viewaction = action.newaction(                  action.type_view, // todo: choose action type.                  "androidsurfaceviewexample page", // todo: define title content shown.                  // todo: if have web page content matches app activity's content,                  // make sure auto-generated web page url correct.                  // otherwise, set url null.                  uri.parse("http://host/path"),                  // todo: make sure auto-generated app deep link uri correct.                  uri.parse("android-app://")          );          appindex.appindexapi.start(client, viewaction);      }        @override      public void onstop() {          super.onstop();            // attention: auto-generated implement app indexing api.          // see more information.          action viewaction = action.newaction(                  action.type_view, // todo: choose action type.                  "androidsurfaceviewexample page", // todo: define title content shown.                  // todo: if have web page content matches app activity's content,                  // make sure auto-generated web page url correct.                  // otherwise, set url null.                  uri.parse("http://host/path"),                  // todo: make sure auto-generated app deep link uri correct.                  uri.parse("android-app://")          );          appindex.appindexapi.end(client, viewaction);          client.disconnect();      }  }

each element in layout needs have unique id. have identified both screen elements @+id/surfaceview. try making them both unique. see modified layout file below - don't forget update source code populate both screen elements.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>  <linearlayout xmlns:android=""      xmlns:tools=""      android:layout_width="match_parent"      android:layout_height="match_parent"      android:orientation="horizontal"      tools:context="">        <surfaceview          android:id="@+id/surfaceviewleft"          android:layout_width="0dp"          android:layout_height="match_parent"          android:layout_weight="1" />        <surfaceview          android:id="@+id/surfaceviewright"          android:layout_width="0dp"          android:layout_height="match_parent"          android:layout_weight="1" />    </linearlayout>

add code program reference both surfaceview objects. duplicate code have. should check rest of program other references surfaceview object need updated.

            surfaceviewleft = (surfaceview) findviewbyid(;         surfaceholderleft = surfaceviewleft.getholder();          // install surfaceholder.callback notified when         // underlying surface created , destroyed.         surfaceholderleft.addcallback(this);          // deprecated setting, required on android versions prior 3.0         surfaceholderleft.settype(surfaceholder.surface_type_push_buffers);          surfaceviewright = (surfaceview) findviewbyid(;         surfaceholderright = surfaceviewright.getholder();          // install surfaceholder.callback notified when         // underlying surface created , destroyed.         surfaceholderright.addcallback(this);          // deprecated setting, required on android versions prior 3.0         surfaceholderright.settype(surfaceholder.surface_type_push_buffers);  

the key realize although left , right views same type of object (they both surfaceviews) are unaware of each other. if want happen 1 view, must write code works explicitly on view. if want happen in other view, must write code works explicitly on other view. example of having 2 instances of same object.

update: upon further digging, see above changes neccesary not sufficient. call camera.setpreviewdisplay(surfaceholderleft); allows single preview surfaceview defined, can't preview on 2 surfaces using method.

to accomplish trying do, recommend creating bitmap of preview image (which can obtained in callback called onpreviewframe(), similar onpicturetaken() callback. bitmap data passed in through first parameter) acanvasfor each surface view (by callingsurfaceholder.lockcanvas(), , draw bitmap saved onto each canvas callingcanvas.drawbitmap()`. should draw original image onto each surface view.

since drawing each surfaceview directly, should rid of line sets 1 of surfaceviews preview competing camera access draw there. rid of line camera.setpreviewdisplay(surfaceholderleft); , instead write camera.setpreviewcallback(yourcallbackgoeshere);

good luck.


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