plsql - Error While Initializing Record Value -

i have create record in package , declare variables of type in 1 of procedures of package , when try initialize value of record following error:

[error] pls-00103 (372: 14): pls-00103: encountered symbol "." when expecting 1 of following:constant exception <an identifier>    <a double-quoted delimited-identifier> table long double ref    char time timestamp 

the package body follows :

create or replace package body package_a  type location_details record (region_id varchar(40), lat varchar2(10), ranges varchar2(5) ) ;   procedure do_actions (p_action_id in number)     variable_1  location_details   begin variable_1.ranges := '5';  end; end package_a; 

i not able identify cause of error here.

add ; after

variable_1  location_details; 

in do_actions procedure.


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