javascript - How can i solve "Cannot read property 'length' of undefined at checkWithSeletedModel" in angularjs? -

how can solve error "cannot read property 'length' of undefined @ checkwithseletedmodel".

when add object directly in controller working when data coming api getting error

typeerror: cannot read property 'length' of undefined @ checkwithseletedmodel (newbooking.html:404) @ new myctrlfun (newbooking.html:391) @ invoke (angular-1.0.1.js:2795) @ object.instantiate (angular-1.0.1.js:2805) @ angular-1.0.1.js:4620 @ angular-1.0.1.js:4201 @ foreach (angular-1.0.1.js:117) @ nodelinkfn (angular-1.0.1.js:4186) @ compositelinkfn (angular-1.0.1.js:3838) @ compositelinkfn (angular-1.0.1.js:3841) 

var myapp = angular.module('myapp',[]);    //myapp.directive('mydirective', function() {});  //myapp.factory('myservice', function() {});  myapp.controller("myctrl", myctrlfun);  myctrlfun.$inject = ['$scope', '$filter', '$timeout','$http'];  function myctrlfun($scope, $filter, $timeout,$http) {    //****** selected list****  $scope.selectedlist = ["lumia 735 ts", "lumia 510"];    $scope.checkbox_model = [];  $scope.checkbox_list = [];    $scope.submitmodel = [];  var submodel = [];  var models = {};  var brandname = {};  $scope.finaloutput = {  		city:null,      storename : null,      offerid : null,      offer_price : null,      total_price : null,      sub_total_price : null,      categories : []  }       $scope.finaloutput_withnullfilter = {};           $scope.checkitems = function(){    $scope.checkbox_list = [];    $scope.selectedlist = new array();        for(var item in $scope.checkbox_model){  		if($scope.checkbox_model[item].ischecked)      {      		$scope.selectedlist.push($scope.checkbox_model[item].name);      		$scope.checkbox_list.push($scope.checkbox_model[item]);      }                }    $scope.checkbox_list.push({offer_id : $scope.selected_offer_id});    //alert(storename)    /*var m = pricechangetooffer($scope.selected_offer_id);        if(!isnan(m)){    	$scope.total_price =$scope.total_price-parseint(m);      }*/    $scope.checkbox_list.push({sub_total : $scope.sub_total});    checkwithseletedmodel();        $$scope.phones[0].city;        $scope.finaloutput_withnullfilter = $scope.finaloutput;        if($scope.finaloutput.storename==null)    {    	$scope.finaloutput.storename = $scope.phones[0].storename;    }    if($scope.finaloutput.offerid==null)    {    	delete $scope.finaloutput.offerid;    }    if($scope.finaloutput.offer_price==null)    {    	delete $scope.finaloutput.offer_price;    }    alert(json.stringify($scope.finaloutput));        //****** redefine finaloutput after submit data server    $scope.finaloutput = {        city:null,        storename : null,        offerid : null,        offer_price : null,        total_price : null,        sub_total_price : null,        categories : []    }  }    $scope.selectedbrand = 'nokia';  $scope.submodel ='lumia';  $http.get('').success(function(data, status, response)           {  		//$scope.phones = data  		//console.log($scope.phones);  		//console getting object .here have added have got in console  		$scope.phones = [{      "_id": {          "$oid": "56a9c44f40d0275643cfc04e"      },      "default": [],      "categories": [          {              "models": [                  {                      "submodel": [                          {                              "price": "not available",                              "name": "lumia 735 ts"                          },                          {                              "price": "8100",                              "name": "lumia 510"                          },                          {                              "price": "9900",                              "name": "lumia 830"                          }                      ],                      "name": "lumia"                  },                  {                      "submodel": [                          {                              "price": "10000",                              "name": "asha 230"                          },                          {                              "price": "11999",                              "name": "asha asn01"                          }                      ],                      "name": "asha"                  }              ],              "brandname": "nokia",              "id": "986745"          },          {              "models": [                  {                      "submodel": [                          {                              "price": "5000",                              "name": "trend 840"                          },                          {                              "price": "6999",                              "name": "a5"                          }                      ],                      "name": "galaxy"                  },                  {                      "submodel": [                          {                              "price": "12000",                              "name": "asha 230"                          }                      ],                      "name": "asha"                  }              ],              "brandname": "samsung",              "id": "144745"          }      ],      "storename": "zig zag mobiles",  	"shopid":"asdef1234",    "city":"bengaluru",      "__v": 0  }  	  	]  		});        //----------------------------our shop offers----------------------------------------  $http.get('').success(function(data, status, response)           {  		//$scope.offers =data;  		//console.log($scope.offers);  		  		//console getting object .here have added have got in console  		$scope.offers = [  	{  		id: "as23456",  		"storename": "zig zag mobiles",  		"shopid":"asdef1234",          "offer_message":"1000rs off",  		"categories": [          {              "models": [                  {                      "submodel": [                          {                              "price": "1000",                              "name": "lumia 735 ts"                          }                      ],                      "name": "lumia"                  }              ],              "brandname": "nokia",              "id": "986745"          }      ],		              },{  		id: "de34575",          "storename": "zig zag mobiles",  		"shopid":"asdef1234",          "offer_message":"500rs off",  		"categories": [          {              "models": [                  {                      "submodel": [                          {                              "price": "500",                              "name": "lumia 830"                          }                      ],                      "name": "lumia"                  }              ],              "brandname": "nokia",              "id": "345645"          }      ],		                     },  	{  		id: "ert25675",          "storename": "zig zag mobiles",  		"shopid":"asdef1234",          "offer_message":"100 flat",  		"categories": [          {              "models": [                  {                      "submodel": [                          {                              "price": "100",                              "name": "asha 230"                          }                      ],                      "name": "asha"                  }              ],              "brandname": "samsung",              "id": "345645"          }      ],		                     }  	]  		});  	            $scope.offerselectedlist = [];    $scope.total_price = 0, $scope.sub_total=0;    $scope.changeitemstatefun = function(checkbox_value){            if(checkbox_value.ischecked){      	        if(!isnan(checkbox_value.price)){        	$scope.total_price =$scope.total_price+parseint(checkbox_value.price);          }                var checked_offer = getoffer([checkbox_value]);            		if(checked_offer!=false){        	  $scope.offerselectedlist.push(checked_offer);            //alert(checked_offer.categories[0].models[0].submodel[0].name);          }      }else{        if(!isnan(checkbox_value.price)){      		$scope.total_price = $scope.total_price-parseint(checkbox_value.price);          }                	var checked_offer = getoffer([checkbox_value]);        if(checked_offer!=false){            var tempofferlist = [];            for(var in $scope.offerselectedlist){               if($scope.offerselectedlist[i].id!{                  tempofferlist.push($scope.offerselectedlist[i]);               }            }        	  $scope.offerselectedlist = tempofferlist;          }      }      $scope.sub_total = $scope.total_price;      $scope.finaloutput.total_price = $scope.total_price;      $scope.finaloutput.sub_total_price = $scope.sub_total;    }        $scope.selected_offer_id = null;    $scope.submit_offer = {};    $scope.offerseleted = function(offer){      $scope.selected_offer_id = offer;      var m = pricechangetooffer($scope.selected_offer_id);            if(!isnan(m.offer_price)){              $scope.sub_total =$scope.total_price-parseint(m.offer_price);        }              $scope.finaloutput.storename = m.storename;      $scope.finaloutput.offerid = m.offerid;      $scope.finaloutput.offer_price = m.offer_price;      $scope.finaloutput.total_price = $scope.total_price;      $scope.finaloutput.sub_total_price = $scope.sub_total;          }        function getoffer(checkeditem){    	for(var i=0; i<checkeditem.length; i++){            	for(var j=0; j<$scope.offers.length; j++){        	for(var k=0;k<$scope.offers[j].categories.length; k++){          	for(var m=0; m<$scope.offers[j].categories[k].models.length; m++){            	for(var n=0; n<$scope.offers[j].categories[k].models[m].submodel.length; n++){              			if($scope.offers[j].categories[k].models[m].submodel[n].name==checkeditem[i].name){                                          return $scope.offers[j];                      }              }            }          }        }      }            return false;    }  	//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------    checkwithseletedmodel();    function checkwithseletedmodel(){        $scope.finaloutput.categories = [];    $scope.submitmodel = [];  	submodel = [];  	models = {};  	brandname = {};    $scope.offerselectedlist = [];    $scope.total_price = 0;        $scope.checkbox_model = [];      for(var i=0; i<$scope.phones.length; i++){     for(var j=0; j<$scope.phones[i].categories.length; j++){     		        if($scope.phones[i].categories[j].brandname==$scope.selectedbrand){                brandname = {          	id : $scope.phones[i].categories[j].id,            brandname : $scope.phones[i].categories[j].brandname,            models : []          };        	models = {};     			for(var k=0; k<$scope.phones[i].categories[j].models.length; k++){        	 	if($scope.phones[i].categories[j].models[k].name==$scope.submodel){         				models = {            	name : $scope.phones[i].categories[j].models[k].name,              submodel : []            }                    		for(var m=0; m<$scope.phones[i].categories[j].models[k].submodel.length; m++){        var verifyischeck = false;      if($scope.selectedlist.length>0){      verifyischeck=verifyischecked($scope.phones[i].categories[j].models[k].submodel[m].name);       }           if(verifyischeck==true){           		models.submodel.push({name : $scope.phones[i].categories[j].models[k].submodel[m].name, price:($scope.phones[i].categories[j].models[k].submodel[m].price=='not available'?null:$scope.phones[i].categories[j].models[k].submodel[m].price)});              //models.submodel           }                  				var obj1 = {ischecked :verifyischeck, name : $scope.phones[i].categories[j].models[k].submodel[m].name, price:$scope.phones[i].categories[j].models[k].submodel[m].price};                          	//$scope.changeitemstatefun(obj1);              var checkedoffer = getoffer([obj1]);              if(checkedoffer!=false && verifyischeck==true){              	$scope.offerselectedlist.push(checkedoffer);                               }              if(verifyischeck==true && !isnan(obj1.price)){              	$scope.total_price = $scope.total_price+parseint(obj1.price);                }                            $scope.checkbox_model.push(obj1);            }            }        }        brandname.models.push(models);        $scope.submitmodel.push(brandname);        }     }  }    $scope.finaloutput.categories.push($scope.submitmodel);  }        function verifyischecked(submodel_name){      for(var i=0; i<$scope.selectedlist.length; i++){  			if($scope.selectedlist[i]==submodel_name){                   return true;        }      }      return false;    }        //********** total sum checked model , change according offer   function pricechangetooffer(offer_id){         for(var j=0; j<$scope.offers.length; j++){            		if(offer_id!=$scope.offers[j].id)          	continue;        	          for(var k=0;k<$scope.offers[j].categories.length; k++){          	for(var m=0; m<$scope.offers[j].categories[k].models.length; m++){            	for(var n=0; n<$scope.offers[j].categories[k].models[m].submodel.length; n++){              	var offer_obj = {                	storename : $scope.offers[j].storename,  								offerid :  $scope.offers[j].id,  								offer_price : $scope.offers[j].categories[k].models[m].submodel[0].price                };                return offer_obj;              }            }          }        }   }      $scope.sub_total = $scope.total_price;  $scope.finaloutput.total_price = $scope.total_price;  $scope.finaloutput.sub_total_price = $scope.sub_total;    }      myapp.filter("removespace", function(){     return function(input){     		return input.replace(/[^a-z0-9]+/ig, "_")     }  });  //]]>   //]]>     //]]> 
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>      
 <div ng-app="myapp" ng-controller="myctrl">      <div class="item" ng-repeat="item in phones">      <div ng-repeat="cat in item.categories" ng-show="cat.brandname==selectedbrand">        <h2><b>{{ cat.brandname }}</b></h2>          <div ng-repeat="models in cat.models" ng-show="">            <h3>              <b>{{}}</b>            </h3>            <div ng-repeat="submodels in models.submodel">              <input type="checkbox" ng-model="checkbox_model[$index].ischecked" ng-change="changeitemstatefun(checkbox_model[$index])"/>{{ }}                           </div><br/><br/>            <b>sub total = {{sub_total}}</b><br/>            <select ng-show="offerselectedlist.length>0" ng-model="selected_item" ng-options=" offer.offer_message offer in offerselectedlist" ng-change="offerseleted(selected_item)">              <option>select offer</option>            </select>                                  </div>      </div>                 <button ng-click="checkitems()">do</button>  </div>    </div>

how can solve pls 1 me out move forward have added code below . 


you have kept loop this:

for(var i=0; i<$scope.phones.length; i++) 

here trying access length of $scope.phones variable. have defined $scope.phones inside success callback of api call. api calls failing. therefore success callback never getting called , therefore $scope.phones undefined. getting error `cannot read length of undefined'.


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