ios - Updating UI as the result of a request handler -

i have setup this;

startup() {     ...     self.gcdwebserver.addhandlerformethod("get", path: "/hide",          requestclass: gcdwebserverrequest.self, asyncprocessblock: {request in self.hide()})     ... }  func hide() -> gcdwebserverdataresponse {     self.view.hidden = true;     print("hide")     return gcdwebserverdataresponse(statuscode: 200) } 

when request /hide made, console shows print() call immediately, view not disappear arbitrary delay, somewhere between 10-30 seconds.

how can have request result in view being hidden?

try one, calling hidden on main thread.

dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(),{    self.view.hidden = true; }) 


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