flot - Is it possible to stack only some data series? -

i have chart 3 stacked lines. area below each line filled. want add 2 further non-stacked lines.

currently, have

this.flotoptions.series.stack = true; 

and use y-axis (with same range) 2 new lines. however, lines still stacked.

is possible specify data series shall stacked?

of course can. since provided no code @ (not idea, in view), i'm going have guess using array of data points series , passing array of series $.plot. flow allows array of series objects, of 1 property data, other properties allow configure plot series in way like.

for example, here's jsfiddle shows how can done. relevant code

$.plot("#chart", [     { data: series1, lines: {fill: true}, label: "one" },      { data: series2, lines: {fill: true}, label: "two" },      { data: series3, lines: {fill: false}, label: "three" },      { data: series4, lines: {fill: false}, label: "four" } ]); 


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