python - How can I place a FloatLayout within a GridLayout using kivy? -

i'm usng kivy , kv languge make gui, i'm still new kivy. in image below the buttons in black bit on right side of gui scrollview buttons on fitted half of height of screen put floatlayout in rule , indented buttons on wrong side of screen.

#:kivy 1.9.0 gridlayout:     rows: 1      leftarea:     rightarea:  <leftarea@floatlayout>:      canvas:         color:             rgb: 0, 1, 0         rectangle:             size: self.size             pos: self.pos     image:         source: 'moneyswags.gif'         size: self.size         pos: self.pos   <rightarea@gridlayout>:     cols: 1     size_hint_x: 0.3     spacing: '10dp'      floatlayout:         scrollview:             linksgrid:                 id: links_grid          boxlayout:             cols: 1             rows: 2             getlinksbutton:                 links_grid: links_grid             clearlinkbuttons:                 links_grid: links_grid  <linksgrid@gridlayout>:     cols: 1     spacing: '5dp'     size_hint_y: none     height: self.minimum_height  <getlinksbutton>:     size_hint_y: 0.1     text: 'get links'     on_press: self.get_links()  <clearlinkbuttons>:     size_hint_y: 0.1     text: 'clear links'     on_press: self.clear_links()  <linkbutton>:     size_hint_y: none     height: '80dp' 



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