build - Building UWP app from command line -

i need create kind of builder universal windows app (uwp) application, load configuration it, build , create app store package. there way build uwp app command line, without associating store , using visual studio @ all?

there winappdeploycmd, can used install builded appx package on device , need tool generate package.


i've managed build , create app packages command line, here command used:

msbuild "path .csproj file" /p:outdir=output_dir /p:appxbundle=always;appxbundleplatforms="x86|x64|arm" /p:buildappxuploadpackageforuap=true 

it's working not should apparently. can not install generated appx package on phone (and emulator). error

failure reason: failed start deployment. failure text: install failed. please contact software vendor. (0x80073cf9)

i found many solutions windows 10 pc version, there 1 solution found windows 10 mobile , "solution" hard reset phone, not want that. there other way?

and there 1 more problem. command doesn't work parameter /p:configuration=release; , builds debug configuration, believe not related previous error, because doesn't work visual studio either.


i not find solution, did 'hard reset' of phone , working. it's sad, hope reason windows 10 mobile os still in beta version.

step 1 : see, need install .net framework installer below link.

step 2 : go c: drive , find msbuild.exe is. find more msbuild. in location c:\windows\\framework\v4.0.30319.

step 3: open cmd in administrator , point location mentioned in step 2.

step 4 : paste this. msbuild.exe "yourcompleteprojectpath.sln" /t:rebuild

see reference :


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