python - Plone : unbound prefix in configure.zcml -

i developing new add-on plone site result showing error in

configure.zcml : unbound prefix.

here writing zcml code :

    <configure     xmlns=""     xmlns:five=""     xmlns:i18n=""     i18n_domain="customer.reports">    <five:registerpackage package="." initialize=".initialize" />    <include package="plone.resource" file="meta.zcml"/>   <plone:static       directory="templates"       type="reports"       name="customer"   /> </configure> 

unbound prefix error mentioned below.

file "/plone/python-2.7/lib/python2.7/xml/sax/", line 38, in fatalerror     raise exception zope.configuration.xmlconfig.zopexmlconfigurationerror: file "/plone/zinstance/parts/instance/etc/site.zcml", line 16.2-16.23     zopexmlconfigurationerror: file "/plone/buildout-cache/eggs/products.cmfplone-4.3-py2.7.egg/products/cmfplone/configure.zcml", line 98.4-102.10 zopesaxparseexception: file "/plone/zinstance/src/customer.reports/customer/reports/configure.zcml", line 13.2,  unbound prefix 

this error indicates you're missing namespace declaration @ top of configure.zcml. try including 1 of following in configure tag:


as added above line in code fix unbound error before using plone register add-on not declare correct namespace i.e. plone @ name space declaration block of zcml file

<configure     xmlns=""     xmlns:five=""     xmlns:i18n=""     xmlns:plone=""     i18n_domain="customer.reports">    <five:registerpackage package="." initialize=".initialize" />    <!-- -*- stuff goes here -*- -->    <include package="plone.resource" file="meta.zcml"/>   <plone:static       directory="templates"       type="reports"       name="customer"   /> </configure> 


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