javascript - Replace ID to an element for a particular url -

i have 2 list items in navigation:

<body id="trips">    <nav>       <li><a href="/trips.php" class="trips">trips</a></li>       <li><a href="/trips.php?offer=true" class="offers">offers</a></li>    </nav>    .... </body> 

i need replace on <body id="trips"> <body id="offers"> when visiting /trip.php?offer=true because using css make current page:

#trips.trips, #offers.offers { css "current page" button } 

any idea? :)

try this, need add in trips.php

<?php    $bodyid = 'trips'; // default value    // when `offer` set    if(isset($_get['offer']) && trim($_get['offer']) == 'true'){       $bodyid = 'offers';    } ?> <body id="<?php print $bodyid; ?>"> 


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