angular - How to push in array? -

i'm trying cart angular2(ts)

import {injectable} 'angular2/core';     import {cart} './product'; //interface id: number; name: string   @injectable()  export class productservice {  public products;  public cart : cart[] = [];      addtocart(products: object) {       console.log('product=',products)       this.cart.push(this.products);       console.log('cart=',this.cart);            } 

when push products in method

product= object {id: 13, name: "bombasto"} 

but in


i have "undefined". why?

i think there typo in code:

addtocart(products: object) {   console.log('product=',products)   this.cart.push(products); // <--------   console.log('cart=',this.cart); } 

if want use products parameter, should remove this keyword when using @ level of push method.

with this keyword, use products property of productservice class undefined. try use undefined value in array... that's why see undefined in trace.


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