javascript - Tab transitions within Modal (Ionic) -

i need open modal, displays page uses tab style of transitioning between pages.

i cannot browse between links within modal (without closing modal). want create tab-like transition between tabs in modal.

for links close modal, use closemodal(). works on browser on devices, must use ionic's native href behaviour over-rides closemodal():

<a href="#/storeshop/{{stores[i].id}}" ng-click="closemodal()"> 


$ionicmodal.fromtemplateurl('app/components/stores/stores.html', {     scope: $scope,     animation: 'slide-in-up' }).then(function(modal) {     $scope.modal = modal; });  $scope.refineevent = function() {     $; };  $scope.closemodal = function() {     $scope.modal.hide(); };      $scope.$on('modal.shown', function() {     console.log('modal shown!'); }); 

my html:

<ion-modal-view> <ion-view name="stores"><ion-pane ng-controller="storesctrl">          <ion-content class="has-header">   ...         </ion-content>     <div class="faketab">     <table>         <tr>             <td><a href="stores">store directory</a></td>             <td><a href="stylsts">stylist</a></td>         </tr>     </table> </div>  </ion-view> </ion-modal-view> 

you should use $state transition new state.

<a ng-click="gotostore(stores[i].id)">        $scope.gotostore= function(storeid)      {        $scope.modal.hide();        $state.go('tab.storeshop',{id:}     };     


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