c++ - Dll injector don't works for x64 processes -

i have code , want inject dll file x64 process, code don't works, if compile 64 bits plattform.

someone can me please?

any suggestion welcome.

here complete code , compiling perfectlly:

#include <iostream> #include <direct.h> #include <windows.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <strsafe.h> #include <tlhelp32.h> #include <tlhelp32.h> #include <tchar.h> #include <psapi.h> #include <cstring> #include <string> #include "injector.h"  using namespace std; typedef tchar *ptchar;  bool getprivileges();  bool injector::injectdll(dword processid, std::string dllpath) {     handle hthread, hprocess;     void*  plibremote = 0;        hmodule hkernel32 = getmodulehandlea("kernel32");      char dllfullpathname[_max_path];     getfullpathnamea(dllpath.c_str(), _max_path, dllfullpathname, null);     printf("loading dll: %s\n", dllfullpathname);      getprivileges();      hprocess = openprocess(process_all_access, false, processid);      char szlibpath[_max_path];     strcpy_s(szlibpath, dllfullpathname);      plibremote = virtualallocex(hprocess, null, sizeof(szlibpath), mem_commit, page_readwrite);      if (plibremote == null)     {         printf("couldn't allocate memory, please restart administrator privileges\n");         return false;     }      writeprocessmemory(hprocess, plibremote, (void*)szlibpath, sizeof(szlibpath), null);      hthread = createremotethread(hprocess, null, 0, (lpthread_start_routine)getprocaddress(hkernel32, "loadlibraryw"), plibremote, 0, null);      if (hthread == null)     {         printf("couldn't load dll");         return false;     }      printf("dll loaded\n");      return true; }  dword getpidfromname(ptchar processname) {   processentry32 proc32entry;   proc32entry.dwsize = sizeof(processentry32);    handle snapshot = createtoolhelp32snapshot(th32cs_snapprocess, null);    if(process32first(snapshot, &proc32entry) == true)   {     while(process32next(snapshot, &proc32entry) == true)     {       if(_tcsicmp(proc32entry.szexefile, processname) == 0)       {         closehandle(snapshot);         return proc32entry.th32processid;       }     }   }    closehandle(snapshot);    return null; }  bool getprivileges() {   handle tokenhandle = null;   token_privileges tokenpriv;    if(!openprocesstoken(getcurrentprocess(), token_query | token_adjust_privileges, &tokenhandle))     return false;    if(!lookupprivilegevalue(null, se_debug_name, &tokenpriv.privileges[0].luid))     return false;    lookupprivilegevalue(null, se_debug_name, &tokenpriv.privileges[0].luid);   tokenpriv.privilegecount = 1;   tokenpriv.privileges[0].attributes = se_privilege_enabled;    return adjusttokenprivileges(tokenhandle, 0, &tokenpriv, sizeof(tokenpriv), null, null); }   void runapplication(lpcwstr lpcszproc) {  process_information processinfo;  startupinfo startupinfo;  memset(&startupinfo,0, sizeof(startupinfo)); memset(&processinfo,0, sizeof(processinfo));  startupinfo.cb = sizeof startupinfo ; startupinfo.dwflags = startf_useshowwindow; startupinfo.wshowwindow = sw_hide;  if (createprocess(lpcszproc, null, null,null,false,0,null,null,&startupinfo,&processinfo)) {    waitforsingleobject(processinfo.hprocess,infinite);    closehandle(processinfo.hthread);    closehandle(processinfo.hprocess); } else { }  }  int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {  wchar_t dir[max_path] = {};  getsystemdirectory(dir, max_path);   wcscat_s(dir, l"\\");  stringcchcat(dir, max_path, l"notepad.exe");        injector inject;     runapplication(dir);     sleep(2000);     dword processid = getpidfromname(text("notepad.exe"));     inject.injectdll(processid, "teste.dll");  system("pause");      return exit_success; } 


#ifndef injector_h_included #define injector_h_included  #include <windows.h> #include <string>  class injector { public:     /**     * loads dll remote process     * @return true on sucess, false on failure     */     bool injectdll(dword processid, std::string dllpath); private: };  #endif // injector_h_included 


#include <windows.h> #include <stdio.h>  bool apientry dllmain(handle hmodule, dword  ul_reason_for_call, lpvoid lpreserved) {     switch (ul_reason_for_call)     {     case dll_process_attach:         allocconsole();         freopen("conout$", "w", stdout);          printf("base address: %x\n", (dword)getmodulehandle(null));          break;     case dll_process_detach:         freeconsole();     }      return true; } 


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