javascript - Sending hash password to WebAPI -

i have webapi application working fine. there no problems loging, registering etc. however, come across requires attention. when registering or logging passwords sent in plain text. know can apply https certificate , solved. however, more looking solution can hash password , webapi can automatically pick up. not looking make changes built in webapi functionality hash , store pw. make sure when using ff or chrome developer tools nobody can read pw data being sent.

i using angular or jquery ajax make calls webapi.

it possible encrypt password in frontend , send hashed password , salt + rounds (when used) server.

problem arises when user tries log in, need salt , roundings frontend, hash password (which typed in) send server, there compare hashedpassword == hashedpassword , return true/false.

so in opinion less secure doing on server side. benefit is, no 1 can see password in dev-tools or in payload.


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