c# - the input data is not a complete block while decrypting the cipher Text -
can me problem? here decrypt function code.
public static string decryptstringaes(string ciphertext) { if (ciphertext == null || ciphertext.length <= 0) throw new argumentnullexception("plaintext"); string key = "0102030405060708"; string iv = "1020304050607080"; if (key == null || key.length <= 0) throw new argumentnullexception("key"); if (iv == null || iv.length <= 0) throw new argumentnullexception("iv"); byte[] bytearraytodecrypt = encoding.ascii.getbytes(ciphertext); aescryptoserviceprovider keydecrypt = new aescryptoserviceprovider(); keydecrypt.blocksize = 128; keydecrypt.keysize = 128; keydecrypt.key = system.text.encoding.utf8.getbytes(key); keydecrypt.iv = system.text.encoding.utf8.getbytes(iv); keydecrypt.padding = paddingmode.pkcs7; keydecrypt.mode = ciphermode.cbc; icryptotransform crypto1 = keydecrypt.createdecryptor(keydecrypt.key, keydecrypt.iv); byte[] returnbytearray = crypto1.transformfinalblock(bytearraytodecrypt, 0, bytearraytodecrypt.length); crypto1.dispose(); return convert.tobase64string(returnbytearray); }
not sure question is.
aes in cbc mode block cipher, input , output in block sized chunks.
if input encryption might not multiple of block size padding can added (pkcs#7 padding in question code) data encrypted make so. output multiple of block size.
because of question not make sense, encrypted data multiole of block size if pkcs#7 padding used (as in code).
on decryption decrypted output multiple of block size , padding can removed.
by specifying pkcs#7 padding int apiu call padding/de-padding happen in api.
there other modes such ctr output same length input, in general "streaming" modes , have own complications such never using same nonce same key.
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