c# - UWP Tile notifications stop flipping -
my windows 10 uwp app has main "dashboard" has several listview items. i'm wanting show content these items in primary tile. code have shows content in tile tile stops flipping after few seconds , stuck content 1 of listview items. how make sure doesn't stop cycling through listview items , doesn't stop flipping.
here's code looks like:
public mainpage() { tileupdatemanager.createtileupdaterforapplication().enablenotificationqueue(true); } protected async override void onnavigatedto(navigationeventargs e) { updatemedium(new tilebindingcontentadaptive() { children = { new tiletext() { text = "some text listview item, style = tiletextstyle.base, wrap = true }, new tiletext() { text = "some other text same listview item", style = tiletextstyle.captionsubtle, wrap = true } } }); } private void updatemedium(tilebindingcontentadaptive mediumcontent) { tilecontent content = new tilecontent() { visual = new tilevisual() { branding = tilebranding.nameandlogo, tilemedium = new tilebinding() { content = mediumcontent } } }; try { tilenotification tilenotification = new tilenotification(content.getxml()); tileupdatemanager.createtileupdaterforapplication().update(tilenotification); } catch { } }
can point out what's wrong code?
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