debugging - How to find out why a MFC program closes silently -

i have following bug in program:

an mdi mfc program closes silently on windows 7 (terminates process without prompting save changes , without displaying "crash" dialog) when user performs operation : click context menu item. happens on pc, @ least, moment. no other pc has encountered problem. bug can reproduced following same steps on pc.

i want know reason customer won't allow me install many programs debug, need able log when program terminates, or print stack in release version i'm quite lost. had faced similar bug before , fixed logging line line , changing problematic part, guess there better ways find bug reasons this.

i have tried on development pc create minidumps on release mode if there no exception thrown on pc, (i haven't confirmed yet, though...) maybe it's pointless. used available class on codeproject (stackwalker) don't manage print function calls. on simple console programs, not on mdi or sdi.

any ideas on how find out reason? in advance.


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