python - Color scale - close but not close enough -

i'm trying produce plot uses same colorscale met office, can compare plots theirs. example of theirs @ here

my current closest effort here: here

i appreciate code messy - couldn't find way set color values above threshold (otherwise goes white),hence loop.

i upload netcdf file haven't got high enough rep this.

many, many in advance help.

my code plotting shown below;

from import netcdffile                      mpl_toolkits.basemap import basemap                      matplotlib import pyplot plt                       import numpy np   myfile = netcdffile('', 'r')    lat = netcdffile('/home/james/documents/lat_lon_nc_files/','r') long = netcdffile('/home/james/documents/lat_lon_nc_files/','r')   xlat = lat.variables['xlat'][:]      xlong = long.variables['xlong'][:]       era_data = myfile.variables['monthlyrain'][:]  plot = np.zeros([1000,1730])  plot[:,:] = np.average(era_data[:,:,:],axis=0)  m = basemap(projection='merc',resolution='f',llcrnrlat=49,llcrnrlon=-11,urcrnrlat=61,urcrnrlon=3) m.drawparallels(np.arange(-90., 91., 5.), labels=[1,0,0,0], fontsize=11) m.drawmeridians(np.arange(-180., 181., 5.), labels=[0,0,0,1], fontsize=11) m.drawcoastlines()   x, y = m(xlong, xlat)  in range(0,1729):     j in range(0,999):          if plot[j,i] >250:              plot[j,i] = 250.001          if plot[j,i] < 40:              plot[j,i] = 40  scale = [40,40.001,60,80,100,125,150,200,250, 250.001] cs = m.contourf(x,y,plot,scale, cmap='puor') cbar = m.colorbar(cs, ticks=  [40.0005,50,70,90,112.5,137.5,175,225,250.0005]) cbar.set_ticklabels(['<40','40-60', '60-80', '80-100', '100-125', '125-150', '150-200', '200-250', '>250'])  plt.title('some title') cbar.set_label('monthly average rainfall (mm)')  print "finished" 

the first part (getting colors right) was answered. in order restrict values range have several options.

  • use cmap.set_over , cmap.set_under set out-of-bounds colors, described here

  • use np.clip instead of loop restrict values certian range:

    plot = np.clip(plot, 40, 250)


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