ios - phpMyAdmin plus app for iphone Format -

i made app takes data database , displays in tableview on application. small issue im having when go php file, displays need see when app gets it, displays "optional" after name of each column.

what in phpmyadmin making app reading optional?

i added screenshots

php file onlineenter image description here

iphone app

it represents value of field might nil or present. case is, values can nil or available, ios compiler not sure values presence.

when use values in programming, before assigning , operating on values can sure value available there or not below procedure.

you can check value individually using if let, remove optional value , operation on if value not nil.

//your optionalvalue assigned value. if let value = optionalvalue {       //if value present there, remove optional , print value hello.      print("hello, \(value)") }else{      //if value nil, print 'value nil' in console.      print("value nil") }   

i hope understand, more clarification , specification please check apple basic swift documentation.


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