c# - Creating Folders dynamically using CSOM in sharepoint causes ID issues for the document -
i creating nested folders dynamically document library , uploading files. below code working fine. issues whenever uploading file existence folder id of document uploaded documents not in sequence. suppose if uploading file path projects\prj1\assignment, fist time creating folders , file id's(1\2\3\4) respectively . if upload other document same folder id of folders not changing id of file 8. not unable find id 5,6,7 in document library.
using (csom.clientcontext clientcontext = new csom.clientcontext(spserverurl)) { clientcontext.credentials = new system.net.networkcredential(username, password, domain); csom.web _site = clientcontext.web; // string listrootfolder = "testlist"; csom.list _list = _site.lists.getbytitle("testlist"); clientcontext.load(_list.rootfolder); clientcontext.executequery(); string listrootfolder = _list.rootfolder.name.tostring(); var folder = createfolder(clientcontext.web, "testlist", folderpath); // uploading document csom.filecreationinformation newfile = new csom.filecreationinformation(); // newfile.content = system.io.file.readallbytes(@"d:\testupload.docx"); byte[] bytes = convert.frombase64string(objreqdocumentdetials.filedata.tostring()); newfile.content = bytes; // newfile.url = objdocumentdetials.attachmentname.tostring() + datetime.now.tostring("ddmmyyyyhhmmsss") + "." + objdocumentdetials.filetype.tostring(); newfile.url = objreqdocumentdetials.filename.tostring() + "." + objreqdocumentdetials.filetype.tostring(); newfile.overwrite = true; microsoft.sharepoint.client.file _uploadingfile = folder.files.add(newfile); var item = _uploadingfile.listitemallfields; // var folder = item.getfolder("account/" + foldername); // item["year"] = datetime.now.year.tostring(); // item.update(); clientcontext.load(_uploadingfile, f => f.listitemallfields); clientcontext.executequery(); } public csom.folder createfolder(csom.web web, string listtitle, string fullfolderpath) { if (string.isnullorempty(fullfolderpath)) throw new argumentnullexception("fullfolderpath"); csom.list list = web.lists.getbytitle(listtitle); return createfolderinternal(web, list.rootfolder, fullfolderpath); } public csom.folder createfolderinternal(csom.web web, csom.folder parentfolder, string fullfolderpath) { var folderurls = fullfolderpath.split(new char[] { '/' }, stringsplitoptions.removeemptyentries); string folderurl = folderurls[0]; var curfolder = parentfolder.folders.add(folderurl); web.context.load(curfolder); web.context.executequery(); if (folderurls.length > 1) { var folderpath = string.join("/", folderurls, 1, folderurls.length - 1); return createfolderinternal(web, curfolder, folderpath); } return curfolder; }
the issue fixed after redefined createfolder , createfolderinternal methods below
public csom.folder createfolder(csom.web web, string listtitle, string fullfolderpath) { var folderurls = fullfolderpath.split(new char[] { '/' }, stringsplitoptions.removeemptyentries); csom.list _list = web.lists.getbytitle(listtitle); web.context.load(_list.rootfolder); web.context.executequery(); string listrootfolder = _list.rootfolder.name.tostring(); web.context.load(web, w => w.serverrelativeurl); web.context.executequery(); string root = ""; (int = 0; < folderurls.length; i++) { root = folderurls[i].tostring(); string targetfolderurl = "/" + listrootfolder + "/" + string.join("/", folderurls, 0, + 1); var folder1 = web.getfolderbyserverrelativeurl(targetfolderurl); web.context.load(folder1); bool exists = false; try { web.context.executequery(); exists = true; } catch (exception ex) { } if (!exists) { if (i == 0) { createfolderinternal(web, _list.rootfolder, root); } else { web.context.load(web, w => w.serverrelativeurl); web.context.executequery(); var targetfolderurls = targetfolderurl.split(new char[] { '/' }, stringsplitoptions.removeemptyentries); string jj = string.join("/", targetfolderurls, 0, targetfolderurls.length - 1); csom.folder folder = web.getfolderbyserverrelativeurl(web.serverrelativeurl + jj); web.context.load(folder); web.context.executequery(); spcreatefolderinternal(web, folder, root); } } else { //already folder exists } } csom.folder finalfolder = web.getfolderbyserverrelativeurl(web.serverrelativeurl + listrootfolder + "/" + fullfolderpath); web.context.load(finalfolder); web.context.executequery(); return finalfolder; } private void createfolderinternal(csom.web web, csom.folder parentfolder, string fullfolderpath) { try { var curfolder = parentfolder.folders.add(fullfolderpath); web.context.load(curfolder); web.context.executequery(); } catch (system.exception ex) { } }
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