c# - Datawedge scanning application Xamarin not working -
i'm trying make app xamarin , datawedge i'm running alot of difficulties.
first off tried so:
[activity(label = "scanner.app", icon = "@drawable/icon", mainlauncher = true, configurationchanges = configchanges.screensize | configchanges.orientation, screenorientation = screenorientation.portrait)] [intentfilter(new string[] { "barcodescanner.recvr" }, categories = new[] { intent.categorydefault })] public class mainactivity : global::xamarin.forms.platform.android.formsapplicationactivity { // intent string contains source of data string private static string source_tag = "com.motorolasolutions.emdk.datawedge.source"; // intent string contains barcode symbology string private static string label_type_tag = "com.motorolasolutions.emdk.datawedge.label_type"; // intent string contains captured data string // (in case of msr data string contains concatenation of track data) private static string data_string_tag = "com.motorolasolutions.emdk.datawedge.data_string"; // intent action our operation private static string ourintentaction = "barcodescanner.recvr"; // let's define api intent strings soft scan trigger private static string action_softscantrigger = "com.motorolasolutions.emdk.datawedge.api.action_softscantrigger"; private static string extra_param = "com.motorolasolutions.emdk.datawedge.api.extra_parameter"; private static string dwapi_toggle_scanning = "toggle_scanning"; protected override void oncreate(bundle bundle) { base.oncreate(bundle); global::xamarin.forms.forms.init(this, bundle); loadapplication(new app()); } private void handledecodedata(intent i) { // check intent action if (i.action.equals(ourintentaction)) { // define string hold our output string out = ""; // source of data string source = i.getstringextra(source_tag); // save use later if (source == null) source = "scanner"; // data intent string data = i.getstringextra(data_string_tag); // let's define variable data length int data_len = 0; // , set length of data if (data != null) data_len = data.length; // check if data has come barcode scanner if (source.equals("scanner")) { // check if there in data if (data != null && data.length > 0) { // have data, let's it's symbology string slabeltype = i.getstringextra(label_type_tag); // check if string empty if (slabeltype != null && slabeltype.length > 0) { // format of label type string label-type-symbology // let's skip label-type- portion symbology slabeltype = slabeltype.substring(11); } else { // string empty let's set "unknown" slabeltype = "unknown"; } // let's construct beginning of our output string out = "source: scanner, " + "symbology: " + slabeltype + ", length: " + data_len.tostring() + ", data: ...\r\n"; } } // check if data has come msr if (source.equals("msr")) { // construct beginning of our output string out = "source: msr, length: " + data_len.tostring() + ", data: ...\r\n"; } // need put edit box text spannable string builder spannablestringbuilder stringbuilder = new spannablestringbuilder(); // add output string constructed earlier stringbuilder.append(out); // let's highlight our output string in bold type //stringbuilder.setspan(new stylespan(typeface.defaultbold), et.text.length, stringbuilder.length, spannablestring.span_exclusive_exclusive); // add barcode or msr data, plus new line, , add string builder stringbuilder.append(data + "\r\n"); } } protected override void onnewintent(intent intent) { handledecodedata(intent); }
what lead me difficulty of when scan something, oncreate
getting called lead new instance of application, not okay. onnewintent
should have been called never triggered.
the second try on problem
[activity(label = "scanner.app", name ="com.creonis.scanner.mainactivity", icon = "@drawable/icon", mainlauncher = true, configurationchanges = configchanges.screensize | configchanges.orientation, screenorientation = screenorientation.portrait)] public class mainactivity : global::xamarin.forms.platform.android.formsapplicationactivity { protected override void oncreate(bundle bundle) { base.oncreate(bundle); scanreceiver _broadcastreceiver = new scanreceiver(); global::xamarin.forms.forms.init(this, bundle); var my_application = new app(); _broadcastreceiver.scandatareceived += (s, scandata) => { }; // register broadcast receiver intentfilter filter = new intentfilter(scanreceiver.intentaction); filter.addcategory(scanreceiver.intentcategory); this.registerreceiver(_broadcastreceiver, filter); loadapplication(my_application); } [broadcastreceiver(enabled = true)] public class scanreceiver : broadcastreceiver { // intent string contains source of data string private static string source_tag = "com.motorolasolutions.emdk.datawedge.source"; // intent string contains barcode symbology string private static string label_type_tag = "com.motorolasolutions.emdk.datawedge.label_type"; // intent string contains captured data string // (in case of msr data string contains concatenation of track data) private static string data_string_tag = "com.motorolasolutions.emdk.datawedge.data_string"; // intent action our operation public static string intentaction = "barcodescanner.recvr"; public static string intentcategory = "android.intent.category.default"; public event eventhandler<string> scandatareceived; public override void onreceive(context context, intent i) { // check intent action if (i.action.equals(intentaction)) { // define string hold our output string out = ""; // source of data string source = i.getstringextra(source_tag); // save use later if (source == null) source = "scanner"; // data intent string data = i.getstringextra(data_string_tag); // let's define variable data length int data_len = 0; // , set length of data if (data != null) data_len = data.length; // check if data has come barcode scanner if (source.equals("scanner")) { // check if there in data if (data != null && data.length > 0) { // have data, let's it's symbology string slabeltype = i.getstringextra(label_type_tag); // check if string empty if (slabeltype != null && slabeltype.length > 0) { // format of label type string label-type-symbology // let's skip label-type- portion symbology slabeltype = slabeltype.substring(11); } else { // string empty let's set "unknown" slabeltype = "unknown"; } // let's construct beginning of our output string out = "scanner " + "symbology: " + slabeltype + ", length: " + data_len.tostring() + ", data: " + data.tostring() + "\r\n"; } } // check if data has come msr if (source.equals("msr")) { // construct beginning of our output string out = "source: msr, length: " + data_len.tostring() + ", data: " + data.tostring() + "\r\n"; } if (scandatareceived != null) { scandatareceived(this, out); } } } }
which lead me problem of nothing happening when scan something.
can point me in right direction because i'm out of idea's try.
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